Pronunciation: | | kun'sepshun
Matching Terms: | | conceptional, Conceptionalist, Conceptious
Medical Dictionary |
| Definition: | | The onset of pregnancy. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abstract thought, act of thought, appreciation, apprehension, approach, arrangement, artistic imagination, assumption, attack, attitude, authorship, beginning, birth, blueprint, blueprinting, brain, brains, brainwork, calculation, caliber, Calliope, capacity, cerebration, charting, clairvoyance, climate of opinion, Clio, clue, cogitation, coinage, coming with child, command, commencement, common belief, community sentiment, comprehension, conceit, conceiving, concept, conceptualization, conclusion, concoction, consensus gentium, consideration, contrivance, contriving, creation, creative effort, creative imagination, creative power, creative thought, deductive power, derivation, design, device, devising, discourse of reason, discursive reason, disposition, eidetic image, emergence, enterprise, envisagement, envisaging, envisioning, Erato, esemplastic imagination, esemplastic power, esprit, estimate, estimation, ethos, Euterpe, excogitation, eye, fabrication, fancy, feeling, figuring, foreknowledge, foresight, forethought, formation, formulation, game, general belief, generation, genesis, genius, graphing, grasp, grass roots, gray matter, grip, ground plan, guidelines, hatching, head, headpiece, headwork, heavy thinking, idea, ideation, image, imageless thought, imagery, imagery study, imaging, imagism, imagistic poetry, imago, impression, improvisation, inauguration, inception, initiation, inkling, inspiration, integrative power, intellect, intellection, intellectual exercise, intellectual faculty, intellectual grasp, intellectual object, intellectual power, intellectualism, intellectuality, intellectualization, intelligence, intelligence quotient, intention, introduction, invention, IQ, judgment, knowledge, launch, launching, layout, lifelike image, lights, lineup, long-range plan, making do, mapping, master plan, mastery, Melpomene, memory-trace, mens, mental act, mental age, mental capacity, mental grasp, mental image, mental impression, mental labor, mental picture, mental process, mental ratio, mental representation, mentality, mentation, method, methodology, mind, mintage, mother wit, muse, mystique, mythicization, mythification, mythopoeia, native wit, noesis, notion, nous, objectification, observation, operations research, opinion, organization, origin, original, origination, outline, perception, personal judgment, picture, picturing, plan, planning, planning function, poetic imagery, poetic imagination, point of view, Polyhymnia, popular belief, position, posture, power of mind, power of reason, prearrangement, precognition, prehension, presumption, prevailing belief, procedure, program, program of action, proposal, provenience, psyche, public belief, public opinion, radical, radix, ratio, ratiocination, rationality, rationalization, reaction, reason, reasoning, reasoning faculty, reasoning power, recept, reflection, representation, rise, root, sanity, savvy, schedule, schema, schematism, schematization, scheme, scheme of arrangement, scope of mind, sense, sentiment, setup, shaping imagination, sight, smarts, source, stance, start, stem, stock, straight thinking, strategic plan, strategy, superfetation, superimpregnation, supposition, system, systematization, tactical plan, tactics, taproot, Terpsichore, Thalia, the big picture, the picture, theory, thinking, thinking aloud, thinking out, thinking power, thought, understanding, Vernunft, view, vision, visionary, visual image, visualization, Vorstellung, way, way of thinking, wisdom, wit, word-painting, working plan |