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Meaning of CANINE

Pronunciation:  'keynIn

Matching Terms:  Caninal, canine chorea, canine distemper, canine tooth, caning

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: One of four teeth found between the molars and incisors; also known as eye teeth.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: amphibian, aquatic, baby tooth, bandog, bicuspid, biped, bitch, bowwow, bucktooth, cannibal, carnivore, cosmopolite, crown, cuspid, cutter, deciduous tooth, dent, denticle, denticulation, dentil, dentition, dog, doggy, dogtooth, eyetooth, fancy dog, fang, feline, fore tooth, foxlike, foxy, gagtooth, gang tooth, gnawer, gold tooth, grinder, guide dog, gyp, herbivore, hound, incisor, insectivore, invertebrate, kennel, lap dog, lupine, mammal, mammalian, marsupial, marsupialian, milk tooth, molar, omnivore, pack of dogs, peg, permanent tooth, pivot tooth, pooch, premolar, primate, pup, puppy, quadruped, reptile, rodent, ruminant, scavenger, scrivello, Seeing Eye dog, sheep dog, show dog, sled dog, slut, snag, snaggletooth, tooth, toy dog, tush, tusk, tyke, ungulate, varmint, vermin, vertebrate, vulpine, watchdog, whelp, wisdom tooth, wolfish, working dog