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Meaning of CARNIVORE

Pronunciation:  'kârnu`vowr

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  any animal that feeds on flesh; "Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore"; "insectivorous plants are considered carnivores"
  2. [n]  terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal; terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb
 See Also: bear, canid, canine, Carnivora, eutherian, eutherian mammal, felid, feline, fissiped, fissiped mammal, mustelid, musteline, musteline mammal, order Carnivora, placental, placental mammal, predator, predatory animal, procyonid, viverrine, viverrine mammal



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Car`ni*vore\, n. [Cf. F. carnivore.] (Zo["o]l.)
One of the Carnivora.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: An organism that eats animals.
 Definition: an animal that eats primarily meat.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: amphibian, aquatic, biped, board-and-roomer, boarder, bon vivant, Brillat-Savarin, canine, cannibal, Chiroptera, connoisseur of food, consumer, cosmopolite, diner, diner-out, eater, eater-out, epicure, feeder, feline, flesh-eater, fruitarian, gastronome, glutton, gnawer, gourmand, gourmet, grain-eater, graminivore, granivore, herbivore, high liver, hungry mouth, insectivore, invertebrate, lactovegetarian, Lagomorpha, Lucullus, luncher, mammal, mammalian, man-eater, marsupial, marsupialian, meat-eater, mouth, omnivore, omophagist, pantophagist, phytophage, picnicker, plant-eater, predacean, primate, Primates, quadruped, reptile, rodent, Rodentia, ruminant, scavenger, trencherman, ungulate, varmint, vegetarian, vermin, vertebrate