Meaning of POOR
Pronunciation: | | pûr
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are poor, symbolizes neglect of your sexual nature. You may be taking on too many responsibilities and working too hard that you are not taking the time to cater to your sexual self. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abject, abominable, abstemious, against, amateurish, arrant, artless, ascetic, atrocious, attenuated, austere, awful, bad, badly off, bankrupt, bare-handed, barren, base, beggared, beggarly, below par, beneath contempt, broke, bumbling, cadaverous, cheap, cheeseparing, cheesy, chinchy, chintzy, chronic poor, chronic poverty area, coarse, common, con, contemptible, corpselike, crumbling, crummy, debased, decrepit, defective, deficient, degraded, depleted, depraved, depressed class, depressed population, despicable, destitute, destitution, dirty, disappointed, disapprobatory, disapproving, discontented, disenchanted, disgruntled, disgusting, disillusioned, disintegrating, displeased, dissatisfied, dissenting, distressed, down to bedrock, down-and-out, DP, dwarfed, dwarfish, emacerated, emaciate, emaciated, embarrassed, empty-handed, execrable, exhausted, exiguous, famished, faulty, feeble, feeling the pinch, flagrant, flat, flat broke, flawed, flimsy, fortuneless, foul, fourth-class, frugal, fruitless, fulsome, gaudy, ghetto-dwellers, gimcracky, grave, gross, haggard, half-assed, half-starved, hapless, hard up, heinous, hollow-eyed, homely, humble, humble-looking, humblest, humble-visaged, ill, ill off, ill-equipped, ill-fated, ill-furnished, ill-provided, ill-starred, impecunious, impecuniousness, impoverished, impoverishment, in narrow circumstances, in need, in Queer Street, in rags, in reduced circumstances, in straitened circumstances, in want, inadept, inadequate, inapt, inattentive, inconclusive, inconsequential, indigence, indigent, indignant, inefficient, inept, inexpert, inferior, infertile, infirm, infrequent, inglorious, innocuous, insignificant, insolvent, insubstantial, insufficient, irregular, jejune, land-poor, lean, least, Lenten, limited, little, lousy, low, low-class, low-down, lowest, low-grade, lowliest, lowly, low-quality, low-test, luckless, lumpen, mangy, marantic, marasmic, meager, mean, measly, mediocre, meretricious, Mickey Mouse, miserable, miserly, modest, moneyless, monstrous, narrow, necessitous, neediness, needy, nefarious, niggardly, obnoxious, odious, on short commons, on the edge, opposed, opposing, out of pocket, outcasts, paltry, parsimonious, pathetic, pauperism, pauperized, peaked, peaky, pedestrian, penniless, penurious, penury, petty, piddling, pinched, pitiable, pitiful, plain, poky, poorish, poorly off, poorness, poverty subculture, poverty-stricken, privation, punk, puny, rank, rare, reduced, reptilian, rotten, rotten at, rubbishy, ruined, sad, scabby, scant, scanty, scarce, scattered, scrawny, scrimp, scrimping, scrimpy, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, second-best, second-class, second-rate, seedy, seldom met with, seldom seen, shabby, shoddy, short, short of cash, short of funds, short of money, shorthanded, shriveled, simple, skeletal, skill-less, skimp, skimping, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, slipshod, slum-dwellers, small, sorry, spare, sparing, sparse, Spartan, spotty, sprinkled, squalid, squeezed, star-crossed, starvation, starved, starveling, starving, sterile, stingy, stinted, stone-broke, stony, straitened, strapped, stunted, subsistence, substandard, tabetic, tabid, tacky, teachable, the disadvantaged, the dispossessed, the distressed, the down-and-out, the forgotten man, the have-nots, the needy, the other America, the poor, the powerless, the underprivileged, the urban poor, thin, third-class, third-rate, thoughtless, tight, tinny, trashy, trifling, trivial, trumpery, turned-off, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, unacceptable, unappreciative, unapproving, unapt, uncomplimentary, undeft, under par, underdeveloped nation, underfed, undermanned, undernourished, underprivileged, undexterous, undextrous, undistinguished, unfacile, unfavorable, unfed, unfirm, unfortunate, unfruitful, unhappy, unimportant, unintelligent, unlucky, unmentionable, unmoneyed, unnourishing, unnutritious, unpretentious, unproductive, unprofessional, unproficient, unprosperous, unproved, unprovided, unreplenished, unrigorous, unsatisfactory, unskillful, unsolid, unsound, unstable, unsturdy, unsubstantial, unsupplied, unsustained, valueless, vile, want, wasted, watered, watery, weak, weazeny, welfare rolls, wiped out, withered, wizened, worthless, wraithlike, wretched |