Meaning of MILL
Pronunciation: | | mil, mil
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a mill in your dream, symbolizes frugality and fortunate endeavors. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abrade, amble, armory, arrastra, arsenal, assemble, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, atomize, average, ball mill, basic, be turbulent, beat, bindery, blaze, blooming mill, boatyard, boilery, bone mill, bookbindery, bray, brecciate, brewery, brickyard, buck, bunch, bunch up, C, cane mill, cannery, cartwheel, carve, cent, century, cheese grater, chisel, chop, cider mill, clot, cluster, C-note, collect, come together, comminute, comminutor, common, congregate, contriturate, converge, convert, copper, copulate, couple, creamery, crenellate, crenulate, crimp, crowd, crumb, crumble, crunch, crush, crusher, cultivate, cut, dairy, date, defense plant, dime, disintegrate, distillery, dockyard, dollar, dollar bill, drag-stone mill, everyday, experienced, extract, factory, factory belt, factory district, feeder plant, fifty cents, fin, fish, five cents, five hundred dollars, five-dollar bill, five-hundred-dollar bill, fiver, five-spot, flock together, flour, flour mill, flow together, forgather, foundry, four bits, fragment, frogskin, fuse, G, gang around, gang up, garden-variety, gash, gather, gather around, G-note, grain, grand, granulate, granulator, granulize, grate, grater, grind, grind to powder, grinder, grinding mill, gristmill, grow, half a C, half dollar, half G, half grand, hardened, harvest, herd together, hive, horde, huddle, hundred-dollar bill, in the know, incise, indent, industrial park, industrial zone, instrument, iron man, jag, knowledgeable, knurl, kominuter, lapidary mill, league, levigate, levigator, link, machicolate, machine, main plant, manufactory, manufacturing plant, manufacturing quarter, mash, masher, mass, masticate, meander, mechanize, meet, merge, mill around, milling machine, millstone, mince, mine, mint, moil, mortar and pestle, motorize, munitions plant, muster, nick, nickel, notch, nutmeg grater, oil refinery, ordinary, packing house, paper mill, penny, pepper mill, pestle, picot, pink, plant, pottery, pound, powder, power plant, process, production line, pulverize, pulverizer, pump, push-button plant, quarter, quern, quernstone, raise, rally, rally around, rear, red cent, reduce to powder, refine, refinery, rendezvous, retool, rock crusher, roil, roller, rolling mill, run-of-the-mill, sawbuck, sawmill, scallop, scarify, score, scotch, scrunch, seasoned, seethe, serrate, shard, sharpen, sheet mill, shipyard, shop, shred, shredder, silk mill, silver dollar, simple, skin, slab mill, slash, smacker, smash, smelt, smoothing mill, sophisticated, spice mill, squash, stamp mill, stamps, steamroller, steel mill, stir, stream, stroll, subassembly plant, sugar mill, sugar refinery, surge, swarm, tannery, ten cents, tenner, ten-spot, thousand dollars, thousand-dollar bill, throng, tool, tooth, toughened, treadmill, triturate, triturator, twenty-dollar bill, twenty-five cents, two bits, two-dollar bill, two-spot, unexceptional, unite, unremarkable, Vandyke, walk, wander, water mill, windmill, winery, woolen mill, works, workshop, yard, yards |