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Meaning of MATCH

Pronunciation:  mach

Matching Terms:  match game, match plane, match play, match point, Matchable, matchboard, matchbook, matchbox, matchbush, Match-cloth, Match-coat, matched, matched game, Matcher, Matches, matchet, matching, matching funds, Matchless, Matchlock, Matchmaker, Matchmaking, matchstick, matchweed, matchwood

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing or strike a match in your dream, suggests that there is something that you need to ignite and rekindle in your life.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a world-without-end bargain, accompany, accord, accumulate, adjust, admit of comparison, adversary, affiliation, agglomerate, aggregate, aggroup, agree, align, alliance, amass, amount to, analogize, analogue, answer to, antagonist, anti, ape, appear like, approach, approximate, arrange a match, assemble, assent, assimilate, assort with, balance, batch, be commensurable, be comparable, be consistent, be in phase, be in time, be like, be of one, be parallel, be redolent of, be uniform with, bear resemblance, bed, betrothal, blend, bond of matrimony, both, bout, brace, bracket, break even, bridebed, bring into analogy, bring into comparison, bring to mind, bring together, bulk, bump heads, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, ca, call to mind, call up, candidate, candle, check, chime, clump, cluster, coequal, coexist, coextend, cohabitation, cohere, coincide, collect, colligate, collimate, collineate, collocate, combination, combine, come close, come near, come to, come up to, compact, companion, compare, compare and contrast, compare to, compare with, compeer, compete with, competition, compile, complement, con, concours, concur, conform, conform with, confront, conglomerate, Congreve, Congreve match, conjoin, conjugal bond, conjugal knot, conjugate, consist with, contemporize, contend, contest, contract, contrapose, contraposit, contrast, cooperate, coordinate, copy, corral, correlate, correspond, correspond to, correspondent, counter, counteract, counterfeit, counterpart, counterpose, couple, couple up, couplet, coverture, cumulate, dead ringer, decathlon, derby, dig up, distich, ditto, double, double harness, double-harness, double-header, doubles, doublet, double-team, dovetail, draw, draw a comparison, draw a parallel, draw together, dredge up, drive together, duad, duel, duet, duo, duplicate, dyad, effigy, electric light bulb, encounter, engagement, enlarge, equal, equate, equidistance, equipollent, equivalent, even, even off, event, evoke, exact likeness, face, facsimile, fall in together, favor, fellow, fight, fire, fit, fit together, flame, follow, foursome, friction match, front, fusee, game, games, games of chance, gather, gather in, gather together, gauge, get in, get together, give away, give in kind, glim, go, go alongside, go beside, go together, go with, grade, graduate, group, gymkhana, hang together, harmonize, hit, hitch, hold together, holy matrimony, holy wedlock, husbandhood, icon, idol, ill-assorted marriage, illuminant, illuminator, image, imitate, incandescent body, interlock, intermarriage, interracial marriage, intersect, isochronize, jibe, join, join together, joust, juxtapose, keep in step, keep pace with, knot, lamp, lantern, lex talionis, lie opposite, light, light bulb, light source, like, liken, liken to, likeness, line up, link, living image, living picture, lock, locofoco, look like, lucifer, luminant, luminary, lump together, make a match, make one, make up, marriage, marriage bed, marriage sacrament, marry, mass, match up with, matching, mate, mates, matrimonial union, matrimony, measure, measure against, measure up, measure up to, meet, meet head-on, meeting, mesalliance, metaphorize, mimic, miniature, mirror, mirroring, misalliance, miscegenation, mixed marriage, mobilize, model, moon, muster, near, nearly reproduce, not compare with, not tell apart, nuptial, nuptial bond, Olympic games, Olympics, oppose, opposer, opposite number, oppugnant, overlap, pair, pair off, paragon, parallel, parallelize, partake of, partner, partnership, peer, pentathlon, photograph, picture, pit, place against, place parallel to, play, play-off, polarize, portrait, pose against, proportion, prospect, put in opposition, put together, race, raise, rake up, rally, range, rank, reach, realign, reciprocal, reflection, register, register with, relate, remind one of, rencontre, repay in kind, replica, resemblance, resemble, respond to, return the compliment, return the like, rival, rivalry, round up, rubbing, run a comparison, run abreast, run parallel, run to, runoff, sacrament of matrimony, safety match, savor of, scrape together, seem like, semblance, set in contrast, set in opposition, set of two, set off against, set over against, shadow, similitude, similize, simulacrum, simulate, sing in chorus, singles, size, smack of, sort, sort with, sound like, source of light, span, spit and image, spitting image, splice, sport, spousehood, square, square with, stack up, stack up with, stand opposed, stand opposite, stand together, stars, subtend, suggest, suit, sun, supplement, synchronize, take after, take up, tally, taper, team, team up, test, the two, threesome, tie, tilt, time, torch, touch, tournament, tourney, trace, tracing, trial, twain, twin, two, twosome, union, unite, unite in marriage, very image, very picture, vesta, vesuvian, vie, vie with, view together, wed, wedded bliss, wedded state, weddedness, wedding knot, wedlock, weigh, weigh against, whip in, wifehood, yoke