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Meaning of HELPLESS

Pronunciation:  'helplis

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  unable to manage independently; "as helpless as a baby"
  2. [adj]  unable to function; without help
  3. [adj]  lacking in or deprived of strength or power; "lying ill and helpless"; "helpless with laughter"
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 Synonyms: dependent, hopeless, incapacitated, lost, powerless, weak



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Help"less\, a.
1. Destitute of help or strength; unable to help or defend
   one's self; needing help; feeble; weak; as, a helpless
         How shall I then your helpless fame defend? --Pope.
2. Beyond help; irremediable.
         Some helpless disagreement or dislike, either of
         mind or body.                         --Milton.
3. Bringing no help; unaiding. [Obs.]
         Yet since the gods have been Helpless foreseers of
         my plagues.                           --Chapman.
4. Unsupplied; destitute; -- with of. [R.]
         Helpless of all that human wants require. --Dryden.
   -- {Help"less*ly}, adv. -- {Help"less*ness}, n.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are or feel helpless, suggests that you are experiencing difficulties in confronting a situation or relationship. You feel that you are unable to take charge of yourself.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abandoned, aidless, at sea, baffled, bare-handed, bewildered, blind, blind drunk, blotto, confounded, confused, crippled, debilitated, defenseless, dependent, deserted, desolate, disabled, enervated, enfeebled, exhausted, faint, fatherless, feeble, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, godforsaken, guardless, guideless, helpless, homeless, impotent, incapable, incompetent, inefficient, inept, infirm, kithless, lame, leaderless, motherless, muddled, mystified, nonplussed, out, out cold, outcast, overcome, paralyzed, passed out, perplexed, pregnable, prostrate, spent, stiff, stoned, unarmed, unarmored, unattended, unavailing, uncovered, undefended, under the table, unfit, unfortified, unfriended, ungarrisoned, unguarded, unprotected, unqualified, unscreened, unsheltered, unshielded, unsuspecting, untenable, unwarned, unwatched, useless, vulnerable, weak, weakened, weaponless, worn out, worthless