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Meaning of INFANT

Pronunciation:  'infunt

Matching Terms:  Infancy, Infandous, Infangthef, infant death, infant deathrate, infant feeding, infant mortality, infant mortality rate, infant prodigy, infant school, infant(a), Infanta, Infante, Infanthood, Infanticidal, infanticide, infantile, infantile amaurotic idiocy, infantile autism, infantile eczema, infantile fixation, infantile paralysis, infantilism, Infantine, Infantlike, Infantly, Infantry, infantryman, infant's-breath

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a newborn infant, symbolizes pleasant surprises. Seeing a swimming infant means a lucky escape from some entanglement.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abecedarian, aboriginal, adolescent, angel, antenatal, apprentice, arrested, autochthonous, babe, babish, baby, baby bunting, babyish, bambino, bantling, bay, beginner, beginning, budding, callow, catechumen, child, child of nature, classmate, creative, deb, debutant, defective, deficient, dollish, doll-like, dove, dupe, elemental, elementary, embryonic, entrant, failing, fellow student, fetal, fledgling, formative, foundational, freshman, fundamental, gestatory, grade schooler, green, greenhorn, greeny, hick, high schooler, hopeful, hypoplastic, immature, in arms, in arrear, in arrears, in default, in diapers, in embryo, in its infancy, in nappies, in short supply, in swaddling clothes, in the bud, in the cradle, inadequate, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incomplete, incubator baby, incunabular, infantile, infantine, ingenue, initial, initiative, initiatory, innocent, intermediate schooler, introductory, inventive, junior, juvenal, juvenile, kindergartner, kittenish, lacking, lamb, learner, little angel, little darling, lout, mere child, mewling infant, minor, missing, nascent, natal, needing, neonatal, neonate, neophyte, nestling, newborn, newborn babe, newcomer, noble savage, novice, novitiate, nursery school child, nursling, oaf, original, papoose, part, partial, parturient, patchy, postnatal, preemie, pregnant, premature baby, prenatal, prep schooler, preschool child, preschooler, primal, primary, primary schooler, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, probationer, procreative, pubescent, puling infant, raw recruit, recruit, rookie, rube, rudimental, rudimentary, sapling, scant, scanty, school child, school kid, school lad, schoolboy, schoolfellow, schoolgirl, schoolmate, scrappy, secondary schooler, short, shy, simple soul, sketchy, slip, sprig, stripling, suckling, teenager, teener, teenybopper, tenderfoot, toddler, trainee, tyro, underdeveloped, undeveloped, unfledged, unripe, unsophisticate, ur, wanting, weanling, yearling, yokel, young hopeful, young person, younger, youngest, youngling, youngster, youth, youthful