Meaning of FOOL
Pronunciation: | | fool
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | ament, apish, asinine, ass, babe, bamboozle, banter, batty, be foolish, be stupid, befool, befooled, beguiled, besotted, birdbrain, blockhead, bluff, bonehead, boob, booby, brainless, buffo, buffoon, buffoonish, busybody, butt, butt in, byword, byword of reproach, cavort, cheat, chouse, chucklehead, chump, cinch, clod, clodpate, clodpoll, clown, clown around, cockeyed, Columbine, comedian, comedienne, come-on, comic, con, coquet, cozen, crazy, credulous, credulous person, cretin, cull, dabble, dabbler, daffy, daft, dally, dawdle, dazed, deceive, defraud, delude, derision, dilettante, dimwit, dizzy, dolt, donkey, doodle, dope, doting, droll, dumb, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, entertainer, fair game, fake, fake out, fall guy, farceur, fatuitous, fatuous, featherbrain, featherhead, feign, fiddle, fiddle with, fiddle-faddle, fidget with, figure of fun, finger with, fish, flaky, fleece, flirt, fond, fool around, fool with, foolheaded, foolish, footle, fribble, frivol, frolic, fuddled, futile, gaga, gambol, game, gazingstock, get funny, git, go haywire, goat, gobe-mouches, goofy, goon, goose, greener, greenhorn, greeny, gudgeon, gull, gulled, half-wit, Hanswurst, Harlequin, hoax, hoodwink, horn in, horse around, humbug, idiot, idiotic, idle, ignoramus, illiterate, illiterati, imbecile, inane, inept, infatuated, innocent, insane, instrument, interfere, interlope, intermeddle, invite ridicule, jackass, jack-pudding, jay, jerk, jerk off, jest, jester, jestingstock, joke, joker, jokester, josh, kid, kid around, know-nothing, kooky, laughingstock, lead on, leadpipe cinch, loiter, loon, loony, loser, lowbrow, mad, madman, make, make believe, mark, maudlin, meddle with, merry-andrew, mess around, middlebrow, mislead, mockery, monkey, monkey around, monkey with, mooncalf, moron, moronic, motley, motley fool, mug, natural, nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nit, nitwit, no scholar, numskull, nutty, oaf, Pantalone, Pantaloon, patsy, pickle-herring, piddle, pigeon, pinhead, play, play around, play the buffoon, play the fool, play with, plaything, pluck, Polichinelle, poop, potter, pretend, prize sap, puddinghead, Pulcinella, Punch, Punchinello, pushover, put one on, putter, rattlebrain, retard, romp, sap, saphead, sappy, Scaramouch, scatterbrain, schlemiel, schmuck, screwy, senseless, sentimental, silly, simple, simpleton, sitting duck, smatter, snow, softhead, spoof, stock, stooge, string along, stupid, sucker, swindle, take in, tamper, tamper with, target, tease, tenderfoot, thoughtless, tinker, tomfool, tool, toy, toy with, trick, trifle, trifle with, trusting soul, twiddle, twist, twit, unintelligentsia, victim, wacky, wanton, wet, witless, zany |
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