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Pronunciation:  now'nuthing

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  an ignorant person
 Synonyms: ignoramus, uneducated person
 See Also: aliterate, aliterate person, analphabetic, illiterate, illiterate person, nonreader, unskilled person



Products Dictionary

Know Nothing
Set in the decades preceding the Civil War, this third volume of The Beulah Quintet - Mary Lee Settle`s unforgettable generational saga about the roots of American culture, class, and identity and the meaning of freedom - tells the tragic tale of Peregrine Catlett and his second son, Johnny. The year 1837 brings a host of perils to the verdant Virginia valley where Peregrine, a third-generation American, is the owner of Beulah. Amid financial panic, debate over the abolition of slavery, and mounting tension between North and South, Peregrine considers freeing his slaves but believes that, with his children scattered, his only hope of retaining his livelihood rests on the use of slave labor. Tied to the land by a special bond, Johnny returns to his father`s farm but stays only until the outbreak of hostilities. As a Confederate soldier, Johnny is aware of the tragedy to come. But family ties outweigh convictions, and he ends up fighting in the war with disastrous results.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Know"-noth`ing\, n.
A member of a secret political organization in the United
States, the chief objects of which were the proscription of
foreigners by the repeal of the naturalization laws, and the
exclusive choice of native Americans for office.
Note: The party originated in 1853, and existed for about
      three years. The members of it were called
      Know-nothings, because they replied ``I don't know,''
      to any questions asked them in reference to the party.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: antiblack, awkward, be green, be ignorant, benighted, biased, blankminded, callow, chauvinistic, colored, dabbler, dilettante, dimwit, doctrinaire, dogmatic, dolt, dope, dumb, dummy, dunce, empty, empty-headed, fool, gauche, green, greenhorn, greeny, groping, headed, idiot, ignoramus, ignorant, illiterate, illiterati, inane, inexperienced, influenced, innocent, interested, jaundiced, know from nothing, lackwit, lowbrow, middlebrow, naive, nescient, no scholar, nonobjective, not know beans, one-sided, opinionated, partial, partisan, pinhead, prejudiced, prepossessed, puddinghead, racist, raw, rude, sexist, simple, strange to, superpatriotic, swayed, tenderfoot, tentative, twisted, ultranationalist, unacquainted, unapprized, uncomprehending, unconversant, undetached, undispassionate, uneducated, unenlightened, unfamiliar, unilluminated, uninformed, uninitiated, uninstructed, unintelligent, unintelligentsia, unknowing, unlettered, unposted, unripe, unsure, untaught, untutored, unversed, vacuous, wallow in ignorance, warped, xenophobic