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Meaning of EMPTINESS

Pronunciation:  'empteenus

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of emptiness means fruitless labor or that something is missing in your life. There is nothing to show for all the effort that you have dedicated to a project or development.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absence, absence of mind, absurdity, acreage, aimlessness, angst, anguish, anxiety, appetite, area, aridity, bareness, barrenness, big deal, blankness, bleakness, bloodlessness, bootlessness, boredom, breadth, canine appetite, casuistry, characterlessness, cheerlessness, colorlessness, continuum, crossed fingers, dead letter, deadness, deprivation, desertedness, desolateness, desolation, dimension, discomfort, discomposure, discontent, disingenuousness, dislike, dismalness, displeasure, disquiet, dissatisfaction, dragginess, dread, dreariness, drought, dryness, dullness, dustiness, effeteness, emotionlessness, empty sound, empty space, empty stomach, empty-headedness, ennui, etiolation, existential woe, expanse, expansion, expressionlessness, extension, extent, fatuity, fecklessness, field, flatness, flimsiness, foolishness, frivolity, frivolousness, fruitlessness, futility, galactic space, grimness, heaviness, hollow hunger, hollow mockery, hollowness, hunger, hungriness, idleness, impotence, inanition, inanity, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, inefficacy, inexcitability, infinite space, inquietude, insignificance, insincerity, insipidity, insipidness, interstellar space, jejunity, jesuitry, joylessness, lack of pleasure, leadenness, levity, lifelessness, lightness, lowness of spirit, malaise, meaninglessness, measure, mental void, mere noise, mockery, nausea, negation, negativeness, negativity, nihility, noise, nonbeing, nonentity, nonexistence, nongratification, noninhabitance, nonoccupance, nonoccupancy, nonoccurrence, nonreality, nonresidence, nonsatisfaction, nonsensicality, nonsubsistence, not-being, nothingness, nugacity, nullity, opening, otiosity, outer space, painfulness, paleness, pallor, phatic communion, place open, pointlessness, pokiness, polydipsia, ponderousness, profitlessness, proportion, purposelessness, rat race, relish, savorlessness, senselessness, shallowness, silliness, slenderness, slightness, slowness, solemnity, sophistry, space, spatial extension, sphere, spiritlessness, spleen, spread, staleness, sterility, stiffness, stodginess, stomach, stuffiness, superficial extension, superficiality, surface, sweet tooth, tapeworm, taste, tastelessness, tediousness, tedium, the absurd, thirst, thirstiness, tongue in cheek, torment of Tantalus, tract, triflingness, triteness, triviality, trivialness, unactuality, uncandidness, uncandor, uncomfortableness, unease, uneasiness, unfrankness, unhappiness, uninterestingness, unliveliness, unmeaningness, unpleasure, unproductiveness, unprofitability, unprofitableness, unreality, unsatisfaction, unsignificancy, uselessness, vacancy, vacant post, vacantness, vacuity, vacuousness, vacuum, valuelessness, vanity, vapidity, vapidness, vexation of spirit, vicious circle, void, voidness, volume, woodenness, worthlessness