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Pronunciation:  `desu'leyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an event that results in total destruction
  2. [n]  sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned
  3. [n]  a bleak and desolate atmosphere
  4. [n]  the state of being decayed or destroyed
 Synonyms: bleakness, devastation, devastation, forlornness, loneliness
 See Also: blight, deterioration, gloom, gloominess, glumness, impairment, ruin, ruin, ruination, ruination, sadness, unhappiness



Products Dictionary

Samuel is an elderly Jew living in Paris with his second wife. He is not a pleasant character, but when one afternoon he runs into an old friend, and exchanges confidences with her about former loves, he reveals the more appealing aspects of his personality.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Des`o*la"tion\, n. [F. d['e]solation, L. desolatio.]
1. The act of desolating or laying waste; destruction of
   inhabitants; depopulation.
         Unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
                                               --Dan. ix. 26.
2. The state of being desolated or laid waste; ruin;
   solitariness; destitution; gloominess.
         You would have sold your king to slaughter, . . .
         And his whole kingdom into desolation. --Shak.
3. A place or country wasted and forsaken.
         How is Babylon become a desolation!   --Jer. l. 23.
Syn: Waste; ruin; destruction; havoc; devastation; ravage;
     sadness; destitution; melancholy; gloom; gloominess.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abandonment, aching heart, agonizingness, agony, agony of mind, anguish, Arabia Deserta, bale, barren, barren land, barrenness, barrens, bitterness, bleeding heart, bloodbath, blue ruin, breakup, broken heart, brush, bush, carnage, chaos, comfortlessness, consumption, crushing, damnation, Death Valley, decimation, defenselessness, depopulation, depredation, depression, depth of misery, desert, desertion, desolateness, despair, despoilment, despoliation, destruction, devastation, disconsolateness, disconsolation, disintegration, disorganization, dispeoplement, disruption, dissolution, distress, dolor, dreariness, dust bowl, excruciatingness, excruciation, extirpation, extremity, fatherlessness, forlornness, gloom, grief, havoc, heartache, heartbreak, heartsickness, heath, heavy heart, hecatomb, helplessness, holocaust, homelessness, howling wilderness, inconsolability, infelicity, karroo, kithlessness, lunar landscape, lunar waste, melancholia, melancholy, misery, motherlessness, obliteration, prostration, ravage, ravagement, ruin, ruination, sack, sadness, Sahara, salt flat, shambles, slaughter, sorrow, spoliation, suicidal despair, torment, tormentingness, torture, torturousness, undoing, unhappiness, vandalism, waste, wasteland, weary waste, wild, wilderness, wilds, woe, wrack, wrack and ruin, wreck, wretchedness