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Meaning of CORNER

Pronunciation:  'kornur

Matching Terms:  cornea, Corneal, corneal curvature, corneal gaft, corneal graft, corneal transplant, corned, corned beef, corned beef hash, Corneille, cornel, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Cornelian, cornelian cherry, Cornelis Jansen, Cornelius, Cornelius Jansenius, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Cornell, Cornell List Processor, Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University, Cornemuse, Corneocalcareous, corneous, Corneouss, corner kick, corner man, corner post, Cornercap, cornered, cornerstone, Cornerwise, cornet, Cornet-a-piston, Cornetcy, Corneter, cornetfish, cornetist, Corneule, corneum

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are in a corner means feelings of frustration and lack of control in making decisions. You may feel trapped and "cornered".
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a corner on, aberrancy, aberration, absorb, alcove, angle, apex, asylum, bay, bear raid, bend, bias, bifurcation, bight, blind alley, bolt-hole, bother, bottle up, box, branching off, bull raid, buy, buy back, buy in, buy into, buy off, buy on credit, buy up, cache, cant, capture, carrel, catch, chevron, circuitousness, coin, collar, complete a purchase, concealment, corner in, cornering, cove, cover, covert, coverture, crank, cranny, crook, crotchet, cubby, cubbyhole, cubicle, cul-de-sac, curve, dark corner, dead end, dead-end street, deadlock, declination, deflection, den, departure, detour, deviance, deviancy, deviation, deviousness, digression, dilemma, discursion, disturb, divagation, divarication, divergence, diversion, dogleg, double, double a point, drift, drifting, dugout, elbow, ell, engross, engrossment, errantry, exclusive possession, excursion, excursus, exorbitation, extremity, fix, forestall, forestallment, fork, foxhole, funk hole, furcation, go around, hairpin, halt, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hog, hole, hook, impasse, indirection, inflection, inglenook, jam, knee, L, lair, make a buy, manipulation, monopolization, monopolize, monopoly, nab, niche, nook, obliquity, oriel, pererration, pickle, pitchhole, plight, point, procure, purchase, put out, quoin, raid, rambling, rebuy, recess, recession, refuge, regrate, repurchase, retreat, rigging, roomlet, round, round a bend, round a corner, round a point, sanctuary, scrape, secret place, seize, sheer, shift, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, skew, slant, snuggery, stalemate, stand, standstill, stash, stop, straying, sweep, swerve, swerving, swinging, tack, take it all, tie up, trap, tree, trouble, turn, turn a corner, turning, twist, undercovert, variation, veer, vertex, wandering, warp, wash sale, washing, yaw, zag, zig, zigzag