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Meaning of ASYLUM

Pronunciation:  u'sIlum

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
  2. [n]  a shelter from danger or hardship
 Synonyms: insane asylum, institution, mental home, mental hospital, mental institution, psychiatric hospital, refuge, sanctuary
 See Also: Bedlam, booby hatch, crazy house, cuckoo's nest, funny farm, funny house, hospital, infirmary, loony bin, madhouse, nut house, nuthouse, safe house, safehold, sanatorium, shelter, snake pit



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\A*sy"lum\, n.; pl. E. {Asylums}, L. {Asyla}. [L. asylum,
Gr. ?, fr. ? exempt from spoliation, inviolable; 'a priv. + ?
right of seizure.]
1. A sanctuary or place of refuge and protection, where
   criminals and debtors found shelter, and from which they
   could not be forcibly taken without sacrilege.
         So sacred was the church to some, that it had the
         right of an asylum or sanctuary.      --Ayliffe.
Note: The name was anciently given to temples, altars,
      statues of the gods, and the like. In later times
      Christian churches were regarded as asylums in the same
2. Any place of retreat and security.
         Earth has no other asylum for them than its own cold
         bosom.                                --Southey.
3. An institution for the protection or relief of some class
   of destitute, unfortunate, or afflicted persons; as, an
   asylum for the aged, for the blind, or for the insane; a
   lunatic asylum; an orphan asylum.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: almshouse, base hospital, bedlam, bird sanctuary, bolt-hole, bughouse, cache, clinic, community hospital, concealment, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, corner, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, crazy house, cubby, cubbyhole, dark corner, den, dugout, evacuation hospital, farm, field hospital, forest preserve, foster home, foxhole, funk hole, game preserve, game sanctuary, general hospital, halfway house, harbor, harbor of refuge, harborage, haven, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, home, hospice, hospital, hospitium, infirmary, inpatient clinic, insane asylum, institution, inviolability, lair, lunatic asylum, madhouse, maison de sante, mental home, mental hospital, mental institution, niche, nook, nursing home, nuthouse, orphanage, osteopathic hospital, outpatient clinic, padded cell, policlinic, polyclinic, poor farm, poorhouse, port, preserve, private hospital, proprietary hospital, psychiatric ward, psychopathic hospital, public hospital, recess, refuge, rest home, retreat, safe haven, safehold, sanatorium, sanctuary, secret place, security, shelter, sick bay, sickbed, sickroom, snug harbor, special hospital, stash, state hospital, station hospital, stronghold, surgical hospital, teaching hospital, undercovert, VA hospital, veterans hospital, voluntary hospital, ward, well-baby clinic, workhouse