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Meaning of CHRISTIAN

Pronunciation:  'kristee`ân

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and is a member of a Christian denomination
  2. [adj]  following the teachings or manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus Christ
  3. [adj]  (religion) relating to or characteristic of Christianity; "Christian rites"
 Synonyms: christianly, christlike, christly
 Antonyms: unchristian
 See Also: Adventist, Apostle, arianist, born-again Christian, Catholic, Christian church, church, communicant, Copt, Friend, Gentile, goy, non-Jew, Old Catholic, Protestant, Quaker, religionist, religious person, Second Adventist, Shaker, Tractarian



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Chris"tian\, n. [L. christianus, Gr. ?; cf. AS.
    cristen. See {Christ}.]
    1. One who believes, or professes or is assumed to believe,
       in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by Him;
       especially, one whose inward and outward life is conformed
       to the doctrines of Christ.
             The disciples were called Christians first in
             Antioch.                              --Acts xi. 26.
    2. One born in a Christian country or of Christian parents,
       and who has not definitely becomes an adherent of an
       opposing system.
    3. (Eccl.)
       (a) One of a Christian denomination which rejects human
           creeds as bases of fellowship, and sectarian names.
           They are congregational in church government, and
           baptize by immersion. They are also called {Disciples
           of Christ}, and {Campbellites}.
       (b) One of a sect (called {Christian Connection}) of
           open-communion immersionists. The Bible is their only
           authoritative rule of faith and practice.
    Note: In this sense, often pronounced, but not by the members
          of the sects, kr[=i]s"chan.
  2. \Chris"tian\, a.
    1. Pertaining to Christ or his religion; as, Christian
    3. Pertaining to the church; ecclesiastical; as, a Christian
       court. --Blackstone.
    4. Characteristic of Christian people; civilized; kind;
       kindly; gentle; beneficent.
             The graceful tact; the Christian art. --Tennyson.
    {Christian Commission}. See under {Commission}.
    {Christian court}. Same as {Ecclesiastical court}.
    {Christian era}, the present era, commencing with the birth
       of Christ. It is supposed that owing to an error of a monk
       (Dionysius Exiguus, d. about 556) employed to calculate
       the era, its commencement was fixed three or four years
       too late, so that 1890 should be 1893 or 1894.
    {Christian name}, the name given in baptism, as distinct from
       the family name, or surname.
  3. \Chris"tian\, a.
    {Christian Endeavor, Young People's Society of}. In various
       Protestant churches, a society of young people organized
       in each individual church to do Christian work; also, the
       whole body of such organizations, which are united in a
       corporation called the United Society of Christian
       Endeavor, organized in 1885. The parent society was
       founded in 1881 at Portland, Maine, by Rev. Francis E.
       Clark, a Congregational minister. Christian Era \Christian
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of Christianity, relates to your own personal beliefs and religious experiences. It is a sign of inner growth and development of the Self. Alternatively, it may refer to a person in your life whose name is Christian.
Easton Bible Dictionary

the name given by the Greeks or Romans, probably in reproach, to the followers of Jesus. It was first used at Antioch. The names by which the disciples were known among themselves were "brethren," "the faithful," "elect," "saints," "believers." But as distinguishing them from the multitude without, the name "Christian" came into use, and was universally accepted. This name occurs but three times in the New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Pet. 4:16).

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accepted, accepter, adoring, affectionate, approved, authentic, authoritative, becoming, befitting, believer, believing, benign, benignant, blameless, brotherly, burgher, canonical, catechumen, Christianlike, Christianly, Christlike, Christly, churchgoer, churchite, churchman, civilized, clean, communicant, compassionate, conventional, convert, correct, creditable, cultish, cultist, cultistic, customary, daily communicant, decent, devoted, devotee, devotionalist, devout, disciple, done, dutiful, erect, estimable, ethical, evangelical, exemplary citizen, fair, faithful, fanatic, firm, follower, fraternal, full of integrity, God-fearing man, good, good Christian, good citizen, good neighbor, gracious, highly respectable, high-minded, high-principled, honest, honorable, human, humane, immaculate, inviolate, irreproachable, just, kind, kindhearted, kindly, kindly-disposed, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, literal, loving, manly, moral, Nazarene, Nazarite, neophyte, nice, noble, of the faith, orthodox, orthodoxical, pietist, pietistic, pillar of society, pious, prayerful, principled, proper, proselyte, pure, received, receiver, religionist, religious, reputable, respectable, respectable citizen, reverent, reverential, right, righteous, right-minded, saint, scriptural, seemly, softhearted, solemn, sound, spotless, stainless, standard, sterling, sympathetic, sympathizing, tender, tenderhearted, textual, theist, theistic, traditional, traditionalistic, true, true Christian, true-blue, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, truehearted, true-souled, true-spirited, truster, unblemished, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, unimpeachable, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untarnished, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, venerational, venerative, virtuous, votary, warm, warmhearted, worshipful, worthy, yeomanly, zealot