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Meaning of UN

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  an organization of independent states to promote international peace and security
 Synonyms: United Nations
 See Also: Economic and Social Council, Economic and Social Council commission, ECOSOC, ECOSOC commission, General Assembly, International Court of Justice, international organisation, international organization, SC, Security Council, TC, Trusteeship Council, UN agency, United Nations agency, United Nations Secretariat, World Court, world organisation, world organization



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Un-\ [OE. un-, on-, the unaccented form of the accented
    prefix and- (cf. {Answer}); akin to D. ont-, G. ent-, OHG.
    int-, Goth. and-. See {Anti-}.]
    An inseparable verbal prefix or particle. It is prefixed:
    (a) To verbs to express the contrary, and not the simple
        negative, of the action of the verb to which it is
        prefixed; as in uncoil, undo, unfold.
    (b) To nouns to form verbs expressing privation of the thing,
        quality, or state expressed by the noun, or separation
        from it; as in unchild, unsex. Sometimes particles and
        participial adjectives formed with this prefix coincide
        in form with compounds of the negative prefix un- (see 2d
        {Un-}); as in undone (from undo), meaning unfastened,
        ruined; and undone (from 2d un- and done) meaning not
        done, not finished. Un- is sometimes used with an
        intensive force merely; as in unloose.
    Note: Compounds of this prefix are given in full in their
          proper order in the Vocabulary.
  2. \Un-\ [OE. & AS. un-; akin to OFries. un-, D. on-, OS.,
    OHG., & G. un-, Icel. [=o]-, [=u]-, Sw. o-, Dan. u-, W. an-,
    L. in-, Gr. ?, ?, Skr. an-, a-. [root]193. Cf. {A-} not {In-}
    not, No, adv.]
    An inseparable prefix, or particle, signifying not; in-;
    non-. In- is prefixed mostly to words of Latin origin, or
    else to words formed by Latin suffixes; un- is of much wider
    application, and is attached at will to almost any adjective,
    or participle used adjectively, or adverb, from which it may
    be desired to form a corresponding negative adjective or
    adverb, and is also, but less freely, prefixed to nouns. Un-
    sometimes has merely an intensive force; as in unmerciless,
    I . Un- is prefixed to adjectives, or to words used
      adjectively. Specifically:
    (a) To adjectives, to denote the absence of the quality
        designated by the adjective; as,
    (b) To past particles, or to adjectives formed after the
        analogy of past particles, to indicate the absence of the
        condition or state expressed by them; as,