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Pronunciation:  'pârti`sipul

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a non-finite form of the verb; in English it is used adjectivally and to form compound tenses
 See Also: past participle, perfect participle, present participle, verb



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Par"ti*ci*ple\, n. [F. participe, L. participium,
fr. particeps sharing, participant; pars, gen. partis, a part
+ capere to take. See {Participate}.]
1. (Gram.) A part of speech partaking of the nature both verb
   and adjective; a form of a verb, or verbal adjective,
   modifying a noun, but taking the adjuncts of the verb from
   which it is derived. In the sentences: a letter is
   written; being asleep he did not hear; exhausted by toil
   he will sleep soundly, -- written, being, and exhaustedare
         By a participle, [I understand] a verb in an
         adjectival aspect.                    --Earle.
Note: Present participles, called also imperfect, or
      incomplete, participles, end in -ing. Past participles,
      called also perfect, or complete, participles, for the
      most part end in -ed, -d, -t, -en, or -n. A participle
      when used merely as an attribute of a noun, without
      reference to time, is called an adjective, or a
      participial adjective; as, a written constitution; a
      rolling stone; the exhausted army. The verbal noun in
      -ing has the form of the present participle. See
      {Verbal noun}, under {Verbal}, a.
2. Anything that partakes of the nature of different things.
         The participles or confines between plants and
         living creatures.                     --Bacon.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adjectival, adjective, adverb, adverbial, adversative conjunction, attributive, conjunction, conjunctive adverb, coordinating conjunction, copulative, copulative conjunction, correlative conjunction, disjunctive, disjunctive conjunction, exclamatory noun, form class, form word, function class, gerundive, interjection, part of speech, particle, past participle, perfect participle, preposition, present participle, subordinating conjunction, verbal adjective