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Meaning of NAVE

Pronunciation:  neyv

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the central area of a church
 See Also: area, church, church building



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Nave\ (n[=a]v), n. [AS. nafu; akin to D. naaf, G. nabe,
    OHG. naba, Icel. n["o]f, Dan. nav, Sw. naf, Skr. n[=a]bhi
    nave and navel: cf. L. umbo boss of a shield. [root]260. Cf.
    1. The block in the center of a wheel, from which the spokes
       radiate, and through which the axle passes; -- called also
       {hub} or {hob}.
    2. The navel. [Obs.] --hak.
  2. \Nave\, n. [F. nef, fr. L. navis ship, to which the church
    was often likened; akin to Gr. nay`archo`s, Skr. n[=a]us, and
    perh. to AS. naca boat, G. nachen, Icel. n["o]kkvi; cf. L.
    nare to swim, float. Cf. {Nausea}, {Nautical}, {Naval}.]
    The middle or body of a church, extending from the transepts
    to the principal entrances, or, if there are no transepts,
    from the choir to the principal entrance, but not including
    the aisles.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ambry, apse, arbor, axis, axle, axle bar, axle shaft, axle spindle, axle-tree, baptistery, blindstory, center, center of action, center of gravity, centroid, centrum, chancel, choir, cloisters, confessional, confessionary, core, crypt, dead center, diaconicon, diaconicum, distaff, Easter sepulcher, epicenter, fulcrum, gimbal, gudgeon, heart, hinge, hingle, hub, kernel, mandrel, marrow, medulla, metacenter, middle, navel, nub, nucleus, oarlock, omphalos, pin, pintle, pith, pivot, pole, porch, presbytery, radiant, rood loft, rood stair, rood tower, rowlock, sacrarium, sacristy, spindle, storm center, swivel, transept, triforium, trunnion, umbilicus, vestry