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Meaning of ELUDE

Pronunciation:  i'lood

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully"
  2. [v]  escape, either physically or mentally; "The thief eluded the police"; "This difficult idea seems to evade her"; "The event evades explanation"
  3. [v]  be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by; "What you are seeing in him eludes me"
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 Synonyms: bilk, circumvent, dodge, duck, escape, evade, evade, fudge, hedge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt
 See Also: amaze, avoid, baffle, beat, bewilder, break loose, defy, dumbfound, escape, flummox, get, get away, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, quibble, refuse, resist, stupefy, vex



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\E*lude"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Eluded}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Eluding}.] [L. eludere, elusum; e + ludere to play: cf. F.
['e]luder. See {Ludicrous}.]
To avoid slyly, by artifice, stratagem, or dexterity; to
escape from in a covert manner; to mock by an unexpected
escape; to baffle; as, to elude an officer; to elude
detection, inquiry, search, comprehension; to elude the force
of an argument or a blow.
      Me gentle Delia beckons from the plain, Then, hid in
      shades, eludes he eager swain.           --Pope.
      The transition from fetichism to polytheism seems a
      gradual process of which the stages elude close
      definition.                              --Tylor.
Syn: To evade; avoid; escape; shun; eschew; flee; mock;
     baffle; frustrate; foil.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: avoid, baffle, balk, beg, bewilder, bilk, blast, brave, challenge, checkmate, circumvent, confound, confront, confuse, contravene, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, cross, dash, deceive, defeat, defy, destroy, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish, disrupt, ditch, dodge, double, duck, escape, eschew, evade, flee, flummox, fly, foil, frustrate, get around, get away from, get out of, get round, give the runaround, give the slip, go one better, knock the chocks, nonplus, outfigure, outflank, outgeneral, outguess, outmaneuver, outplay, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, pass the buck, perplex, puzzle, ruin, sabotage, scotch, shake, shake off, shuffle out of, shun, shy, skirt, spike, spoil, stonewall, stump, thwart, upset, victimize