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Meaning of GET AROUND

Pronunciation:  get u'rawnd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  avoid something unpleasant or laborious; "You cannot bypass these rules!"
  2. [v]  be released or become known; of news; "News of her death broke in the morning"
  3. [v]  move around; move from place to place; "How does she get around without a car?"
  4. [v]  be a social swinger; socialize a lot
 Synonyms: break, bypass, get about, get out, go around, short-circuit, swing
 See Also: avoid, go, leak, leak out, locomote, move, socialise, socialize, travel



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bamboozle, become public, beg, beguile, betray, blarney, bluff, break, butter, butter up, buzz about, cajole, cheat on, circulate, circumvent, come forth, come out, conjure, deceive, delude, diddle, ditch, double, double-cross, dupe, elude, escape, evade, find vent, fly about, foil, forestall, frustrate, gammon, get about, get abroad, get afloat, get away from, get exposure, get out of, get round, give the runaround, give the slip, go about, go forth, go one better, go the rounds, gull, have been around, have currency, have savvy, hoax, hocus-pocus, honey, hornswaggle, humbug, issue, jolly, juggle, kid along, know the ropes, know the score, lay it on, let down, mock, oil, outfigure, outflank, outgeneral, outguess, outmaneuver, outplay, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overdo it, overreach, pass the buck, pigeon, play one false, play up to, put something over, see the light, shake, shake off, shuffle out of, skirt, snow, soap, soften up, soft-soap, spread, spread about, spread like wildfire, stonewall, string along, stroke, take in, trick, two-time, victimize