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Pronunciation:  `defu'nishun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  clarity of outline; "exercise had give his muscles superior definition"
  2. [n]  a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol
 See Also: account, contextual definition, dictionary definition, distinctness, explanation, explicit definition, ostensive definition, recursive definition, redefinition, sharpness, stipulative definition



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Def`i*ni"tion\, n. [L. definitio: cf. F.
1. The act of defining; determination of the limits; as, a
   telescope accurate in definition.
2. Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a
   description of a thing by its properties; an explanation
   of the meaning of a word or term; as, the definition of
   ``circle;'' the definition of ``wit;'' an exact
   definition; a loose definition.
         Definition being nothing but making another
         understand by words what the term defined stands
         for.                                  --Locke.
3. Description; sort. [R.] ``A new creature of another
   definition.'' --Jer. Taylor.
4. (Logic) An exact enunciation of the constituents which
   make up the logical essence.
5. (Opt.) Distinctness or clearness, as of an image formed by
   an optical instrument; precision in detail.
Syn: {Definition}, {Explanation}, {Description}.
Usage: A definition is designed to settle a thing in its
       compass and extent; an explanation is intended to
       remove some obscurity or misunderstanding, and is
       therefore more extended and minute; a description
       enters into striking particulars with a view to
       interest or impress by graphic effect. It is not
       therefore true, though often said, that description is
       only an extended definition. ``Logicians distinguish
       definitions into essential and accidental. An
       essential definition states what are regarded as the
       constituent parts of the essence of that which is to
       be defined; and an accidental definition lays down
       what are regarded as circumstances belonging to it,
       viz., properties or accidents, such as causes,
       effects, etc.'' --Whately.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acutance, appellation, atmospheric visibility, baptism, black spot, bloom, blooping, bounding, calling, ceiling, ceiling unlimited, characterization, christening, circling-in, circumscribing, circumscription, clarification, clarity, clear-cutness, clearness, coherence, connectedness, consistency, conspicuity, conspicuousness, construction, crystal-clearness, crystallinity, definiteness, delimitation, delineation, demarcation, denomination, description, designation, determination, diagnosis, differentiation, directness, distinction, distinctness, encincture, evidence, evidentness, explanation, explication, explicitness, flare, focus, fringe area, ghost, granulation, grid, hard shadow, high visibility, identification, image, inclusion-exclusion, interpretation, limpidity, low visibility, lucidity, manifestness, meaning, multiple image, naming, nicknaming, noise, obviousness, outlining, patentness, pellucidity, percipi, perspicuity, picture, picture noise, picture shifts, plain English, plain speech, plain style, plainness, precision, prominence, rain, reading, resolution, rolling, scanning pattern, scintillation, seeing, sense, shading, sharpness, simplicity, snow, snowstorm, specification, straightforwardness, structure, styling, terming, transparency, transpicuity, unadorned style, unambiguousness, unequivocalness, unmistakableness, visibility unlimited, visibility zero, way of seeing