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Meaning of AEGIS

Pronunciation:  'eejis

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  kindly endorsement and guidance; "the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council"
  2. [n]  armor plate that protects the chest; the front part of a cuirass
 Synonyms: auspices, breastplate, egis, protection
 See Also: armor plate, armor plating, armour plate, body armor, body armour, cataphract, coat of mail, endorsement, plate armor, plate armour, suit of armor, suit of armour



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\[AE]"gis\, n. [L. aegis, fr. Gr. ? a goat skin, a shield,
? goat, or fr. ? to rush.]
A shield or protective armor; -- applied in mythology to the
shield of Jupiter which he gave to Minerva. Also fig.: A
shield; a protection.
Computing Dictionary
  1. A Unix variant that was used on Apollo workstations before Apollo was bought by Hewlett Packard. AEGIS has some advantages over standard BSD or System V Unix. It includes faster file access and a richer command set; there are commands to find out which process is running on a particular node, which process is locking a particular file, etc.

  2. A CASE tool for project change management, from the GNU project.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abetment, advocacy, arm guard, armament, armor, auspices, backing, backstop, bard, beaver, brassard, breastplate, buckler, buffer, bulletproof vest, bulwark, bumper, care, championship, charity, coif, contraceptive, copyright, corselet, countenance, crash helmet, cuirass, cushion, dashboard, dodger, encouragement, face mask, favor, fender, finger guard, foot guard, fosterage, fuse, gas mask, gauntlet, goggles, goodwill, governor, guard, guardrail, guidance, habergeon, hand guard, handrail, hard hat, hauberk, headpiece, helm, helmet, insulation, interest, interlock, jamb, knee guard, knuckle guard, laminated glass, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, lorica, mail, mask, mudguard, nasal, nose guard, pad, padding, palladium, patent, patronage, pilot, plate, preventive, prophylactic, protection, protective clothing, protective umbrella, rondel, safeguard, safety, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, screen, seat belt, seconding, security, shield, shin guard, sponsorship, sun helmet, sympathy, tutelage, umbrella, visor, ward, windscreen, windshield