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Meaning of DODGER

Pronunciation:  'dâjur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  small oval cake of corn bread baked or fried (chiefly Southern)
  2. [n]  a shifty deceptive person
 Synonyms: corn dab, corn dodger, fox, slyboots
 See Also: beguiler, cheat, cheater, cornbread, deceiver, slicker, trickster



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Dodg"er\, n.
1. One who dodges or evades; one who plays fast and loose, or
   uses tricky devices. --Smart.
2. A small handbill. [U. S.]
3. See {Corndodger}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: actor, aegis, arm guard, Artful Dodger, ash cake, ash pone, backstop, bamboozler, befuddler, beguiler, buffer, bulwark, bumper, bungler, Casanova, charmer, contraceptive, copyright, corn dab, corn dodger, corn pone, counterfeiter, crafty rascal, crash helmet, cushion, dashboard, deceiver, deluder, disregarder, dissembler, dissimulator, Don Juan, double-dealer, duper, enchanter, entrancer, face mask, faker, fender, finger guard, fooler, foot guard, forger, fox, fuse, gay deceiver, glib tongue, goggles, goldbrick, goof-off, governor, guard, guardrail, hand guard, handrail, hard hat, helmet, hoaxer, hoecake, horse trader, hush puppy, hypnotizer, idler, ignorer, insulation, interlock, jilt, jilter, johnnycake, joker, jokester, kidder, knee guard, knuckle guard, laminated glass, leg-puller, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, Machiavel, Machiavelli, Machiavellian, malingerer, mask, mesmerizer, misleader, mudguard, neglecter, negligent, nose guard, pad, padding, palladium, patent, Philadelphia lawyer, pilot, plagiarist, plagiarizer, playactor, pone, practical joker, preventive, procrastinator, prophylactic, protective clothing, protective umbrella, ragger, reynard, role-player, safeguard, safety, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, screen, seat belt, seducer, shield, shin guard, shirker, shyster, slacker, slick citizen, sloven, slut, sly dog, slyboots, spoofer, sun helmet, sweet talker, swindler, tease, teaser, tortilla, trickster, trifler, umbrella, waiter on Providence, windscreen, windshield, Yankee horse trader