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Pronunciation:  ad'mituns

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic"
  2. [n]  the right to enter
 Synonyms: access, admission, entree
 See Also: door, entering, entrance, entry, incoming, ingress, matric, matriculation, readmission, right



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ad*mit"tance\, n.
    1. The act of admitting.
    2. Permission to enter; the power or right of entrance; also,
       actual entrance; reception.
             To gain admittance into the house.    --South.
             He desires admittance to the king.    --Dryden.
             To give admittance to a thought of fear. --Shak.
    3. Concession; admission; allowance; as, the admittance of an
       argument. [Obs.] --Sir T. Browne.
    4. Admissibility. [Obs.] --Shak.
    5. (Eng. Law) The act of giving possession of a copyhold
       estate. --Bouvier.
    Syn: Admission; access; entrance; initiation.
    Usage: {Admittance}, {Admission}. These words are, to some
           extent, in a state of transition and change.
           Admittance is now chiefly confined to its primary
           sense of access into some locality or building. Thus
           we see on the doors of factories, shops, etc. ``No
           admittance.'' Its secondary or moral sense, as
           ``admittance to the church,'' is almost entirely laid
           aside. Admission has taken to itself the secondary or
           figurative senses; as, admission to the rights of
           citizenship; admission to the church; the admissions
           made by one of the parties in a dispute. And even when
           used in its primary sense, it is not identical with
           admittance. Thus, we speak of admission into a
           country, territory, and other larger localities, etc.,
           where admittance could not be used. So, when we speak
           of admission to a concert or other public assembly,
           the meaning is not perhaps exactly that of admittance,
           viz., access within the walls of the building, but
           rather a reception into the audience, or access to the
           performances. But the lines of distinction on this
           subject are one definitely drawn.
  2. \Ad*mit"tance\, n. (Elec.)
    The reciprocal of impedance.