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Meaning of IMPEDANCE

Pronunciation:  im'peedns

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a material's opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohms
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 Synonyms: electric resistance, electrical resistance, ohmic resistance, resistance, resistivity
 See Also: electrical phenomenon, ohmage



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Im*ped"ance\, n. [Impede + -ance.] (Elec.)
The apparent resistance in an electric circuit to the flow of
an alternating current, analogous to the actual electrical
resistance to a direct current, being the ratio of
electromotive force to the current. It is equal to root{R^{2}
+ X^{2}}, where R = ohmic resistance, X = reactance. For an
inductive circuit, X = 2[pi]fL, where f = frequency and L =
self-inductance; for a circuit with capacity X = 1 [div]
2[pi]fC, where C = capacity.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: capacitive reactance, clog, cumbrance, electric resistance, hindrance, impediment, inductive reactance, magnetic reluctance, ohm, ohmage, reactance, reluctance, reluctivity, resistance, skin effect, specific reluctance, surface resistance, volume resistance