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Meaning of SHADOW

Pronunciation:  'shadow

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  refuge from danger or observation; "he felt secure in his father's shadow"
  2. [n]  something existing in perception only; "a ghostly apparition at midnight"
  3. [n]  a clue that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"
  4. [n]  a premonition of something adverse; "a shadow over his happiness"
  5. [n]  an unilluminated area; "he moved off into the darkness"
  6. [n]  an inseparable companion; "the poor child was his mother's shadow"
  7. [n]  a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
  8. [n]  shade within clear boundaries
  9. [v]  follow, usually without the person's knowledge; "The police are shadowing her"
  10. [v]  cast a shadow
  11. [v]  cast a shadow over
 Synonyms: apparition, dark, darkness, dwarf, overshadow, phantom, shade, shade off, shadower, tail, trace, vestige
 See Also: bedim, boding, clew, clue, command, cue, dominate, Flying Dutchman, flying saucer, follow, follower, foreboding, ghost, illusion, obscure, overcloud, overlook, overtop, penumbra, premonition, presentiment, recourse, refuge, resort, scene, semblance, shade, shade, shadiness, shadowiness, specter, spectre, spook, spy, UFO, umbra, unidentified flying object, wraith



Products Dictionary

Investigative journalist Bob Woodward, the co-author of ALL THE PRESIDENT`S MEN, examines presidential power after Watergate through key events in the Carter, Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations. He sees a diminishing respect for the office and a growing cynicism and interest in salaciousness by the public and the press.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Shad"ow\ (sh[a^]d"[-o]), n. [Originally the same word as
    shade. [root]162. See {Shade}.]
    1. Shade within defined limits; obscurity or deprivation of
       light, apparent on a surface, and representing the form of
       the body which intercepts the rays of light; as, the
       shadow of a man, of a tree, or of a tower. See the Note
       under {Shade}, n., 1.
    2. Darkness; shade; obscurity.
             Night's sable shadows from the ocean rise. --Denham.
    3. A shaded place; shelter; protection; security.
             In secret shadow from the sunny ray, On a sweet bed
             of lilies softly laid.                --Spenser.
    4. A reflected image, as in a mirror or in water. --Shak.
    5. That which follows or attends a person or thing like a
       shadow; an inseparable companion; hence, an obsequious
             Sin and her shadow Death.             --Milton.
    6. A spirit; a ghost; a shade; a phantom. ``Hence, horrible
       shadow!'' --Shak.
    7. An imperfect and faint representation; adumbration;
       indistinct image; dim bodying forth; hence, mystical
       representation; type.
             The law having a shadow of good things to come.
                                                   --Heb. x. 1.
             [Types] and shadows of that destined seed. --Milton.
    8. A small degree; a shade. ``No variableness, neither shadow
       of turning.'' --James i. 17.
    9. An uninvited guest coming with one who is invited. [A
       Latinism] --Nares.
             I must not have my board pastered with shadows That
             under other men's protection break in Without
             invitement.                           --Massinger.
    {Shadow of death}, darkness or gloom like that caused by the
       presence or the impending of death. --Ps. xxiii. 4.
  2. \Shad"ow\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shadowed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Shadowing}.] [OE. shadowen, AS. sceadwian. See {adow},
    1. To cut off light from; to put in shade; to shade; to throw
       a shadow upon; to overspead with obscurity.
             The warlike elf much wondered at this tree, So fair
             and great, that shadowed all the ground. --Spenser.
    2. To conceal; to hide; to screen. [R.]
             Let every soldier hew him down a bough. And bear't
             before him; thereby shall we shadow The numbers of
             our host.                             --Shak.
    3. To protect; to shelter from danger; to shroud.
             Shadowing their right under your wings of war.
    4. To mark with gradations of light or color; to shade.
    5. To represent faintly or imperfectly; to adumbrate; hence,
       to represent typically.
             Augustus is shadowed in the person of [AE]neas.
    6. To cloud; to darken; to cast a gloom over.
             The shadowed livery of the burnished sun. --Shak.
             Why sad? I must not see the face O love thus
             shadowed.                             --Beau. & Fl.
    7. To attend as closely as a shadow; to follow and watch
       closely, especially in a secret or unobserved manner; as,
       a detective shadows a criminal.
Computing Dictionary

A syntax-directed compiler written by Barnett and Futrelle in 1962. It was the predecessor to SNOBOL(?)

[Sammet 1969, p. 448, 605].

Easton Bible Dictionary

used in Col. 2:17; Heb. 8:5; 10:1 to denote the typical relation of the Jewish to the Christian dispensation.