Meaning of PARADE
Pronunciation: | | pu'reyd
Matching Terms: | | Paradactylum, parade ground, parader, paradiddle, Paradigm, PARADIGM PLUS, paradigmatic, paradigmatic view, Paradigmatize, Paradigms of AI Programming, Paradisaeidae, Paradisaic, paradisaical, Paradisal, paradise, paradise flower, paradise tree, Paradisea liliastrum, Paradisean, Paradised, paradisiac, paradisiacal, Paradisial, Paradisic, Paradisical, Parados, paradox, Paradox Application Language, Paradoxal, Paradoxer, paradoxical, paradoxical sleep, paradoxically, Paradoxides, Paradoxology, Paradoxure, Paradoxurus, Paradoxy, paraduodenal smear
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | PARallel Applicative Database Engine. A project at Glasgow University to construct a transaction-processor in the parallel functional programming language Haskell to run on an ICL EDS+ database machine. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | advertise, affect, air, airing, alameda, amble, array, backpack, beaten path, beaten track, berm, betoken, bicycle path, blazon, blazon forth, boardwalk, boast, brag, brandish, bravura, breathe, bridle path, brilliancy, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to notice, caravan, catwalk, cavalcade, column, constitutional, cortege, cosmorama, cyclorama, dangle, daring, dash, declare, defile, demonstrate, demonstration, develop, diorama, disclose, display, disport, divulge, dramatics, dramatize, dress parade, eclat, emblazon, embody, enact, entourage, esplanade, etalage, evidence, evince, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, expose, expose to view, exposition, express, false front, fanfare, fanfaronade, fastwalk, figure, file, file off, flair, flash, flaunt, flaunting, flourish, flyover, foot pavement, footpath, footslog, footway, forced march, funeral, garden path, gasconade, georama, give sign, give token, go on parade, goose-step, groove, highlight, hike, hiking trail, histrionics, hold up, illuminate, incarnate, indicate, jaunt, light show, line, make clear, make plain, mall, manifest, manifestation, march, march past, materialize, mean, motorcade, mule train, mush, myriorama, pack train, pageant, pageantry, panoply, panorama, pass in review, path, pathway, perambulate, perform, peripatetic journey, peripateticism, phantasmagoria, pomp, prado, present, presentation, procession, proclaim, produce, promenade, psychedelic show, public walk, publish, put forth, put forward, ramble, represent, representation, reveal, review, roll out, run, runway, rut, saunter, schlep, set forth, sham, shifting scene, shine, show, show forth, show off, showing-off, sidewalk, sight, skimmington, spectacle, splash, splurge, sport, spotlight, stage show, staginess, stream, stretch, stretch the legs, string, stroll, strut, tableau, tableau vivant, take a stretch, take a walk, theatrics, token, towing path, towpath, track, trail, train, traipse, tramp, trot out, trottoir, trudge, trumpet, trumpet forth, turn, unfold, vaunt, walk, walking tour, walkway, wave |