Meaning of LIST
Pronunciation: | | list
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A data structure holding many values, possibly of different types, which is usually accessed sequentially, working from the head to the end of the tail - an "ordered list". This contrasts with a (one-dimensional) array, any element of which can be accessed equally quickly. Lists are often stored using a cell and pointer arrangement where each value is stored in a cell along with an associated pointer to the next cell. A special pointer, e.g. zero, marks the end of the list. This is known as a (singlely) "linked list". A doublely linked list has pointers from each cell to both next and previous cells. An unordered list is a set. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | account, adhesive tape, adjoin, alphabetize, analyze, angularity, annals, arena, arrange, ascend, assort, backset, band, bandage, bank, bar, batten, beading, beadroll, befringe, belt, bibliography, bind, binding, board, book, border, bordering, bordure, bound, break down, brim, brink, brow, calendar, call up, cant, capsize, careen, carve, catalog, catalogue, catalogue raisonne, categorize, cellophane tape, census, chalk, chalk up, check in, checklist, chronicle, cincture, class, classify, climb, close, cloth tape, coast, codify, come a cropper, commandeer, composition, confine, conscript, constituents, container, content, contents, coop, correspondence, court, courtyard, crack, craze, cultivate, culture, curtilage, cut, decline, delimited field, delve, descend, detach, detach for service, dig, digest, dip, directory, divide, divisions, docket, documentation, draft, dress, drop, edge, edging, elements, enclave, enclosure, enframe, engrave, enlist, enroll, enscroll, enter, enumerate, fall, fall away, fall down, fall flat, fall headlong, fall off, fall over, fall prostrate, fallow, fascia, featheredge, fertilize, field, file, fill out, fillet, fimbria, fimbriation, flange, flounce, flounder, fold, force, frame, friction tape, frill, frilling, fringe, furbelow, galloon, get a cropper, girdle, go downhill, go uphill, grade, grave, ground, group, guts, handlist, harrow, heel, hem, history, hoe, impanel, impress, incise, inclination, incline, index, induct, ingredients, innards, inscribe, insert, insides, inventory, itemize, items, join, jot down, keel, keep score, labellum, labium, labrum, lap, lath, lay down, lean, lean over, leaning, leaning tower, ledge, letters, levy, lie along, ligula, ligule, limb, limbus, line, lip, listing, log, lurch, make a memorandum, make a note, make an entry, make out, march, marge, margin, marginate, mark down, masking tape, matriculate, memorial, minute, mobilize, motif, mulch, muster, muster in, Mystik tape, note, note down, numerate, order, pale, paling, park, part, particularize, parts, pen, pigeonhole, pipe roll, pitch, place, place upon record, plank, plastic tape, plow, poll, post, post up, press, program, prune, purfle, purl, put down, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, quad, quadrangle, ragged edge, raise, rake, range, rank, rate, recline, record, recording, recruit, reduce to writing, register, registry, relic, remains, retreat, ribband, ribbon, rim, rise, roll, roll call, rolls, roster, rota, ruffle, schedule, score, Scotch tape, scroll, selvage, set down, set off, shelve, shore, shred, side, sideline, sidle, sign on, sign up, skirt, skirting, slant, slat, slate, slip, slope, sort, spade, specialize, specify, spill, spline, sprawl, spread-eagle, square, stagger, strake, strap, streak, streaking, stria, striation, striature, striga, striola, strip, stripe, striping, strop, stumble, subdivide, summon, swag, sway, table, tabulate, tabulation, taenia, take a fall, take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill, take down, tally, tape, tape measure, tapeline, tape-record, theater, thin, thin out, tick off, ticker tape, till, till the soil, tilt, tip, toft, token, topple, topple down, topple over, totter, tower of Pisa, trace, trim, trimming, trip, tumble, turn turtle, type, uprise, valance, verge, vestige, videotape, weed, weed out, welt, whole, work, write, write down, write in, write out, write up, yard |