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Meaning of INFERENCE

Pronunciation:  'infuruns

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
 Synonyms: illation
 See Also: abstract thought, analogy, corollary, deduction, derivation, entailment, extrapolation, implication, logical thinking, presumption, reasoning



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\In"fer*ence\, n. [From {Infer}.]
1. The act or process of inferring by deduction or induction.
         Though it may chance to be right in the conclusions,
         it is yet unjust and mistaken in the method of
         inference.                            --Glanvill.
2. That which inferred; a truth or proposition drawn from
   another which is admitted or supposed to be true; a
   conclusion; a deduction. --Milton.
         These inferences, or conclusions, are the effects of
         reasoning, and the three propositions, taken all
         together, are called syllogism, or argument. --I.
Syn: Conclusion; deduction; consequence.
Usage: {Inference}, {Conclusion}. An inference is literally
       that which is brought in; and hence, a deduction or
       induction from premises, -- something which follows as
       certainly or probably true. A conclusion is stronger
       than an inference; it shuts us up to the result, and
       terminates inquiry. We infer what is particular or
       probable; we conclude what is certain. In a chain of
       reasoning we have many inferences, which lead to the
       ultimate conclusion. ``An inference is a proposition
       which is perceived to be true, because of its
       connection with some known fact.'' ``When something is
       simply affirmed to be true, it is called a
       proposition; after it has been found to be true by
       several reasons or arguments, it is called a
       conclusion.'' --I. Taylor.
Computing Dictionary

The logical process by which new facts are derived from known facts by the application of inference rules.

See also symbolic inference, type inference.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a fortiori reasoning, a posteriori reasoning, a priori reasoning, allegory, allusion, analysis, arcane meaning, assumption, axiom, Baconian method, coloration, conclusion, conjecture, connotation, consequence, consequent, corollary, deduction, deductive reasoning, derivation, epagoge, generalization, guess, guessing, guesswork, hint, hypothesis, hypothesis and verification, illation, implication, implied meaning, import, induction, inductive reasoning, innuendo, intimation, ironic suggestion, judgment, meaning, metaphorical sense, nuance, occult meaning, overtone, particularization, philosophical induction, postulate, postulation, postulatum, premise, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, proposition, ratiocination, reckoning, sequitur, set of postulates, subsense, subsidiary sense, suggestion, supposal, supposing, supposition, surmise, syllogism, syllogistic reasoning, symbolism, synthesis, thesis, tinge, touch, undercurrent, undermeaning, understanding, undertone, working hypothesis