Meaning of GLOW
Pronunciation: | | glow
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a glow in your dream, symbolizes enlightenment and that new light has been shed onto a situation. You have gained a fresh perspective and reached a welcomed understanding. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | ablate, activity, afterglow, air glow, alpenglow, animation, ardency, ardor, attractiveness, aurora, bake, be bright, be in heat, be somebody, be something, beacon, beam, beauteousness, beautifulness, beauty, beauty unadorned, bedazzle, beggar description, blanch, blare, blaze, blind, bloom, blossom, blush, blushing, boil, brightness, brilliance, brio, briskness, broil, burn, burning, burst with health, candescence, caper, caracole, change color, charm, chirp, chirrup, choke, color, color up, coloring, combust, cook, crepuscule, crimson, crimsoning, cut a dash, cut a figure, dance, darken, dawnlight, daze, dazzle, diffuse light, effulgence, elan, elegance, emotional health, enjoy good health, enthusiasm, excitement, exquisiteness, feel fine, feel good, fervency, fervor, feverishness, fidget, fieriness, figure, fire, first light, fitness, flame, flame up, flare, flare up, flash, flicker, flip out, flourish, flush, flushing, flutter, foredawn, freak out on, frolic, fry, fulgurate, gambol, gasp, get high on, give light, glance, glare, gleam, glimmer, glint, glitter, gloss, go pitapat, grace, grow red, gusto, half-light, handsomeness, have the fidgets, have the shakes, health, healthy glow, heat, heave, hectic, hectic flush, Hygeia, ignite, impassionedness, impetuosity, impetus, incandesce, incandescence, jerk, joie de vivre, keep fit, kindle, knock dead, lambency, laugh, life, light, light up, lilt, live, liveliness, look black, loveliness, luminosity, luminousness, luster, lustiness, make a figure, make a splash, mantle, mantling, mental health, mettle, morning twilight, never feel better, overheat, pale, palpitate, pant, parch, passion, perkiness, pertness, phosphoresce, phosphorescence, physical condition, physical fitness, pink, prettiness, pulchritude, quake, quaver, quiver, radiance, radiate, radiate cheer, radiate heat, redden, reddening, redness, resplendence, roast, robustness, romp, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefacient, rubescence, rufescence, rush, scald, scorch, seethe, send out rays, shake, sheen, shimmer with heat, shine, shine brightly, shininess, shining light, shiver, shoot, shoot out rays, simmer, sing, skip, skylight, smile, smolder, smother, spark, sparkle, spirit, spiritedness, splendor, squirm, stay in shape, stay young, steam, stew, stifle, suffocate, sunset glow, sweat, swell, swell with emotion, swelter, the beautiful, the small hours, thrill, thrill to, throb, tingle, tingle with excitement, toast, toss, toss and turn, tremble, tumble, turn color, turn on to, turn pale, turn red, twilight, twist and turn, twitch, twitter, vehemence, vivacity, warm color, warmth, warmth of color, wear well, well-being, whistle, whiten, whiteness, wiggle, wriggle, writhe, zest, zestfulness |