Meaning of FENCE
Pronunciation: | | fens
Matching Terms: | | fence in, fence line, fence lizard, fence rail, fenced, Fenced cities, fenced in, Fenceful, Fenceless, fencelike, fencepost error, fencer, fencer's mask, Fencible, Fenci-ble, Fencing, fencing mask, fencing material, fencing stick, fencing sword
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a fence in your dream means an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. You may feel confined and restricted in expressing yourself. Are you feeling fenced in? Alternatively, it may symbolize a need for privacy. You may want to shut off the rest of the world.
Dreaming that you are climbing to the top of a fence indicates success. If you climb over the fence, then it indicates that you will accomplish your desires via not so legitimate means.
Dreaming that you are building a fence means a solid foundation for future wealth through your economical and industrious character.
Dreaming that you fall from a fence indicates that you are in way over your head in regards to some project which you are incapable of dealing with.
Seeing animals jumping over a fence into an enclosure, foretells that you will receive assistance from an unexpected source. Seeing them jumping out means loss in trade. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abatis, about the bush, advanced work, arch dam, arm, armor, armor-plate, around the bush, avoid, backstop, baffle, balistraria, balustrade, bamboo curtain, bank, banquette, bar, barbed wire, barbed-wire entanglement, barbican, barrage, barricade, barrier, bartizan, bastion, battle, battlement, bear-trap dam, beat about, beat around, beaver dam, beg the question, bicker, black-market, black-marketeer, bless, block, blockade, boggle, boom, bootleg, bound, boundary, box, brawl, breakwater, breastwork, brick wall, broil, buffer, bulkhead, bulkhead in, bulwark, cage, casemate, castellate, cavil, center, champion, cheval-de-frise, choplogic, circumscribe, circumvallation, clash, cloak, close, cofferdam, collide, combat, come to blows, compass about, compromise, confine, contend, contest, contravallation, coop, copyright, corral, counterscarp, cover, crenellate, curtain, cushion, cut and thrust, dam, defend, defense, demibastion, dig in, dike, ditch, dodge, drawbridge, duck, duel, earthwork, embankment, embattle, encircle, enclose, enclosure, ensure, entanglement, entrench, equivocate, escarp, escarpment, evade, evade the issue, exchange blows, feint, fences, fend, fend off, feud, fieldwork, fight, fight a duel, foil, fortalice, fortification, fortify, garrison, gate, give and take, give satisfaction, glacis, golden mean, grapple, grapple with, gravity dam, groin, guarantee, guard, half measures, half-and-half measures, halfway measures, happy medium, harbor, haven, hedge, hedgerow, hem, hem and haw, hoarding, hydraulic-fill dam, immure, impartial, indecisive, independent, insure, iron curtain, irresolute, jam, jetty, jostle, joust, keep, keep from harm, leaping weir, levee, logjam, loophole, lunette, machicolation, make safe, man, man the garrison, maneuver, mantelet, mean, medium, merlon, mew, middle course, middle ground, middle way, milldam, mine, mix it up, moat, moderantism, moderate position, moderateness, moderation, moderatism, mole, moonshine, mound, mystify, nestle, neutral, neutral ground, nitpick, obscure, on the fence, outwit, outwork, pale, paling, palisade, palter, parados, parapet, parry, patent, pen, pick nits, picket, police, portcullis, postern gate, prevaricate, protect, pull away, pull back, push, pussyfoot, put off, qualify, quarrel, quibble, rail, railing, rampart, rassle, ravelin, receiver, recoil, redan, redoubt, register, restrict, retaining wall, ride shotgun for, riot, roadblock, rock-fill dam, run a tilt, safeguard, sally port, scarp, sconce, scramble, screen, scuffle, seawall, secure, separate, sheer off, shelter, shield, shift, shift off, shilly-shally, shirk, shove, shrink, shroud, shuffle, shutter dam, shy, shy away, shy off, sidestep, skirmish, spar, split hairs, step aside, stockade, stone wall, stonewall, stop, strive, struggle, surround, swagman, swagsman, swerve, tenaille, tergiversate, third force, thrust and parry, tilt, tourney, trellis, tussle, unbiased, uncertain, uncommitted, undecided, underwrite, unprejudiced, vacillate, vacillating, vallation, vallum, via media, waffle, wage war, wall, war, ward off, weir, wicket dam, work, wrestle, zigzag fence |