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EQUIVOCATE: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Pronunciation:  i'kwivu`keyt

Matching Terms:  equivocation, equivocator, Equivocatory

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [v]  be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
 Synonyms: palter, prevaricate, tergiversate
 See Also: misinform, mislead



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \E*quiv"o*cate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Equivocated};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Equivocating}.] [L. aequivocatus, p. p. of
    aequivocari to be called by the same name, fr. L. aequivocus:
    cf. F. ['e]quivoquer. See {Equivocal}, a.]
    To use words of equivocal or doubtful signification; to
    express one's opinions in terms which admit of different
    senses, with intent to deceive; to use ambiguous expressions
    with a view to mislead; as, to equivocate is the work of
          All that Garnet had to say for him was that he supposed
          he meant to equivocate.                  --Bp.
    Syn: To prevaricate; evade; shuffle; quibble. See
  2. \E*quiv"o*cate\, v. t.
    To render equivocal or ambiguous.
          He equivocated his vow by a mental reservation. --Sir
                                                   G. Buck.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: about the bush, alternate, around the bush, avoid, back and fill, be untruthful, beat about, beat around, beg the question, bicker, boggle, cavil, change, choplogic, deceive, dither, dodge, double-talk, draw the longbow, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, evade the issue, exaggerate, falsify, fence, fib, fluctuate, hedge, hem and haw, hum and haw, lie, lie flatly, mince the truth, mince words, mislead, mystify, nitpick, obscure, oscillate, palter, parry, pendulate, pick nits, prevaricate, pull away, pull back, pussyfoot, put off, quibble, recoil, sheer off, shift, shift off, shilly-shally, shrink, shuffle, shy, shy away, shy off, sidestep, skirt, speak falsely, split hairs, step aside, story, stretch the truth, swerve, teeter, tell a lie, tergiversate, totter, vacillate, vary, waffle, ward off, waver, weasel, wobble



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