Meaning of COMMAND
Pronunciation: | | ku'mand
Matching Terms: | | Command Control Processor, command guidance, command interpreter, command key, command language, command line, command line interface, command line option, command module, command overhead, command post, command processing overhead, command processing overhead time, command prompt, Commandable, Commandant, Commandatory, Commandeer, commander, commander in chief, Commandership, Commandery, commanding, commanding officer, Commandingly, command-line interpreter, Commandment, Commandments, the Ten, Commando, Commandress, Commandry
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A character string which tells a program to perform a specific action. Most commands take arguments which either modify the action performed or supply it with input. Commands may be typed by the user or read from a file by a command interpreter. It is also common to refer to menu items as commands. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | ability, acme, address, adeptness, administer, administrate, administration, adroitness, airmanship, ALGOL, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, angular data, animus, aplomb, appetence, appetency, appetite, apprehension, artfulness, artisanship, artistry, ask, assembler, assurance, attract, authority, authorization, be enfeoffed of, be expert in, be learned in, be master, be master of, be possessed of, be responsible for, be seized of, be up on, be well-informed, be-all and end-all, behest, bestraddle, bestride, bid, bidding, binary digit, binary scale, binary system, bit, blue ribbon, boast, bravura, brilliance, bug, byte, call on, call the signals, call upon, canon, capability, capacity, captain, carry on, chair, championship, charge, choice, choose, choose to, claim, clairvoyance, claws, clear, cleverness, clutches, COBOL, coerce, command pulses, commands, commission, compel, competence, compiler, comprehension, computer code, computer language, computer program, conation, conatus, conception, conceptualization, conduct, confidence, constrain, control, control signals, controlled quantity, coordination, correcting signals, craft, craftsmanship, cunning, data, decide, decision, declare, decree, deftness, demand, desire, determination, determine, devoir, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, dictate, diplomacy, direct, direction, directive, directorship, discipline, discretion, disposition, dominate, domination, dominion, draw on, duty, earn, effectiveness, efficiency, empery, empire, engineer, enjoin, enjoy, error, error signals, exact, expertise, expertism, expertness, eyereach, eyeshot, eyesight, facility, fancy, feedback pulses, feedback signals, field of view, field of vision, fill, film data, finesse, first place, first prize, force, foreknowledge, FORTRAN, free choice, free will, give an order, give the word, govern, governance, government, grace, grasp, grip, gripe, guidance, hand, handiness, handle, handling, hands, have, have and hold, have down pat, have in hand, have it taped, have tenure of, head, head up, headship, hegemony, height, helm, hexadecimal system, highest, hold, horizon, horsemanship, husbandry, ideation, imperium, inclination, influence, information, ingeniousness, ingenuity, injunction, input data, input quantity, instruct, instruction, instructions, intellection, intelligence, intention, iron hand, issue a command, issue a writ, jurisdiction, ken, kingship, knack, know backwards, know by heart, know damn well, know inside out, know the ropes, know the score, know well, know-how, lad, law, lead, lead on, leadership, leading, liking, limit of vision, line of sight, look down upon, lordship, lust, machine language, make the rules, manage, management, managery, managing, mandate, maneuver, manipulate, manipulation, marksmanship, master, mastermind, mastership, mastery, maximum, mental grasp, message, might, mind, most, multiple messages, naked eye, ne plus ultra, new high, noise, numeric data, objective, obligation, oblige, occupy, octal system, officer, ordain, order, order about, ordering, ordinance, oscillograph data, outlook, outlook over, output data, output quantity, outtop, overarch, overlook, overshadow, oversight, overtop, palms, paramountcy, passion, perspective, pilotage, play, pleasure, poise, polar data, possess, power, practical ability, precept, precognition, prehension, prescribe, prescript, prescription, preside over, presidency, primacy, proclaim, proficiency, promulgate, pronounce, prospect, prowess, pull the strings, punch-card data, quarterback, quickness, raj, random data, range, readiness, record, rectangular data, reference quantity, regnancy, regulate, regulation, reign, reins of government, request, require, resolution, resolve, resource, resourcefulness, responsibility, rise above, rule, ruly English, run, running, savoir-faire, savvy, say, say the word, scan, scope, scope of vision, seamanship, see fit, sexual desire, sight, sightliness, signals, single messages, skill, skillfulness, skipper, sovereignty, squat, squat on, stand over, statute, steerage, steering, stewardship, strings, style, summon, supervise, supremacy, surmount, survey, sway, tact, tactfulness, take command, take the lead, talons, teaching, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, tell, the conn, the helm, the wheel, think fit, think good, think proper, timing, top, top spot, tower above, tower over, understanding, unorganized data, usucapt, velleity, view, virtuosity, visible-speech data, vista, volition, warn, wield authority, will, will power, wisdom, wish, wit, wizardry, word, workmanship, zenith |