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Meaning of GENERAL

Pronunciation:  'jenurul

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular); "he discussed the general but neglected the particular"
  2. [n]  
  3. [adj]  prevailing among and common to the general public; "the general discontent"
  4. [adj]  of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley; "universal experience"
  5. [adj]  not specialized or limited to one class of things; "general studies"; "general knowledge"
  6. [adj]  applying to all or most members of a category or group; "the general public"; "general assistance"; "a general rule"; "in general terms"; "comprehensible to the general reader"
  7. [adj]  of national scope; "a general election"
  8. [adj]  (medicine) affecting the entire body; "a general anesthetic"; "general symptoms"
  9. [adj]  somewhat indefinite; "bearing a general resemblance to the original"; "a general description of the merchandise"
  10. [v]  command as a general; "We are generaled by an incompetent!"
 Synonyms: all-purpose, as a whole(ip), at large(ip), at-large(ip), broad, common, comprehensive, cosmopolitan, ecumenical, full general, generalised, generalized, general-purpose, generic, gross, in general(ip), large-scale, mass, miscellaneous, national, oecumenical, overall, pandemic, pervading, pervasive, plain, popular, systemic, undiversified, universal, unspecific, unvaried, widespread, worldwide
 Antonyms: local, particular, specific, specific
 See Also: Agricola, Alcibiades, Andrew Jackson, Anthony, Antigonus, Antigonus Cyclops, Antonius, Antony, Arnold, Baron Clive, Baron Clive of Plassey, Baron Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, Belisarius, Belshazzar, Benedict Arnold, Bolivar, Bomber Harris, Bradley, Bragg, Braxton Bragg, Burgoyne, Butcher Cumberland, Caesar, Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle, Charles Cornwallis, Charles de Gaulle, Chiang Chung-cheng, Chiang Kai-shek, Churchill, Clark, Clausewitz, Clay, Clive, command, Cornwallis, Cromwell, Cumberland, Custer, Dayan, de Gaulle, Demetrius, Demetrius I, Demetrius Poliorcetes, Doolittle, Douglas MacArthur, Dowding, Dowdy, Duke of Cumberland, Duke of Marlborough, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dwight David Eisenhower, Dwight Eisenhower, Eisenhower, El Caudillo, El Libertador, Eugene, fact, Fighting Joe Hooker, First Duke of Marlborough, First Marquess Cornwallis, Flaminius, Flavius Josephus, Francisco Franco, Franco, Gaius Falminius, Gaius Julius Caesar, Garibaldi, general officer, Gentleman Johnny, George Armstrong Custer, George Catlett Marshall, George Gordon Meade, George Marshall, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Gnaeus Julius Agricola, Grant, Groves, Hannibal, Harris, Hasdrubal, Hindenburg, Hiram Ulysses Grant, Holofernes, Hooker, Houston, Hugh Dowding, Ike, imprecise, indiscriminate, Ironsides, J. E. Johnston, Jackson, James Harold Doolittle, Jimmy Doolittle, John Burgoyne, John Churchill, Johnston, Joseph ben Matthias, Joseph Eggleston Johnston, Joseph Hooker, Josephus, Julius Caesar, Karl von Clausewitz, Lee, Leslie Richard Groves, Lucius Clay, Lucius DuBignon Clay, Lucius Licinius Luculus, Luculus, Lysander, Lysimachus, MacArthur, Marcus Antonius, Mark Anthony, Mark Antony, Mark Clark, Mark Wayne Clark, Marshall, Meade, Miltiades, Monophthalmos, Moshe Dayan, Old Hickory, Oliver Cromwell, Omar Bradley, Omar Nelson Bradley, Paul Ludwig von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg, Paul von Hindenburg, President Eisenhower, President Grant, Prince Eugene of Savoy, Robert Clive, Robert E Lee, Robert Edward Lee, Sam Houston, Samuel Houston, Simon Bolivar, Sir Arthur Travers Harris, Stonewall Jackson, Thomas J. Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Thomas Jonathan Jackson, Ulysses Grant, Ulysses S. Grant, Ulysses Simpson Grant, unspecialised, unspecialized, William Augustus



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Gen"er*al\, a. [F. g['e]n['e]ral, fr. L. generalis. See
    1. Relating to a genus or kind; pertaining to a whole class
       or order; as, a general law of animal or vegetable
    2. Comprehending many species or individuals; not special or
       particular; including all particulars; as, a general
       inference or conclusion.
    3. Not restrained or limited to a precise import; not
       specific; vague; indefinite; lax in signification; as, a
       loose and general expression.
    4. Common to many, or the greatest number; widely spread;
       prevalent; extensive, though not universal; as, a general
       opinion; a general custom.
             This general applause and cheerful shout Argue your
             wisdom and your love to Richard.      --Shak.
    5. Having a relation to all; common to the whole; as, Adam,
       our general sire. --Milton.
    6. As a whole; in gross; for the most part.
             His general behavior vain, ridiculous. --Shak.
    7. Usual; common, on most occasions; as, his general habit or
    Note: The word general, annexed to a name of office, usually
          denotes chief or superior; as, attorney-general;
          adjutant general; commissary general; quartermaster
          general; vicar-general, etc.
    {General agent} (Law), an agent whom a principal employs to
       transact all his business of a particular kind, or to act
       in his affairs generally.
    {General assembly}. See the Note under {Assembly}.
    {General average}, {General Court}. See under {Average},
    {General court-martial} (Mil.), the highest military and
       naval judicial tribunal.
    {General dealer} (Com.), a shopkeeper who deals in all
       articles in common use.
    {General demurrer} (Law), a demurrer which objects to a
       pleading in general terms, as insufficient, without
       specifying the defects. --Abbott.
    {General epistle}, a canonical epistle.
    {General guides} (Mil.), two sergeants (called the right, and
       the left, general guide) posted opposite the right and
       left flanks of an infantry battalion, to preserve accuracy
       in marching. --Farrow.
    {General hospitals} (Mil.), hospitals established to receive
       sick and wounded sent from the field hospitals. --Farrow.
    {General issue} (Law), an issue made by a general plea, which
       traverses the whole declaration or indictment at once,
       without offering any special matter to evade it.
       --Bouvier. --Burrill.
    {General lien} (Law), a right to detain a chattel, etc.,
       until payment is made of any balance due on a general
    {General officer} (Mil.), any officer having a rank above
       that of colonel.
    {General orders} (Mil.), orders from headquarters published
       to the whole command.
    {General practitioner}, in the United States, one who
       practices medicine in all its branches without confining
       himself to any specialty; in England, one who practices
       both as physician and as surgeon.
    {General ship}, a ship not chartered or let to particular
    {General term} (Logic), a term which is the sign of a general
       conception or notion.
    {General verdict} (Law), the ordinary comprehensive verdict
       in civil actions, ``for the plaintiff'' or ``for the
       defendant''. --Burrill.
    {General warrant} (Law), a warrant, now illegal, to apprehend
       suspected persons, without naming individuals.
    Syn: Syn. {General}, {Common}, {Universal}.
    Usage: Common denotes primarily that in which many share; and
           hence, that which is often met with. General is
           stronger, denoting that which pertains to a majority
           of the individuals which compose a genus, or whole.
           Universal, that which pertains to all without
           exception. To be able to read and write is so common
           an attainment in the United States, that we may
           pronounce it general, though by no means universal.
  2. \Gen"er*al\, n. [F. g['e]n['e]ral. See {General}., a.]
    1. The whole; the total; that which comprehends or relates to
       all, or the chief part; -- opposed to particular.
             In particulars our knowledge begins, and so spreads
             itself by degrees to generals.        --Locke.
    2. (Mil.) One of the chief military officers of a government
       or country; the commander of an army, of a body of men not
       less than a brigade. In European armies, the highest
       military rank next below field marshal.
    Note: In the United States the office of General of the Army
          has been created by temporary laws, and has been held
          only by Generals U. S. Grant, W. T. Sherman, and P. H.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstract, accepted, accustomed, across the board, ADC, aide, aide-de-camp, aleatoric, aleatory, all-inclusive, amorphous, approximate, ascendant, associated, assorted, at the head, Babbittish, bland, blanket, blended, blobby, blurred, blurry, boss, bourgeois, brigadier, brigadier general, broad, campy, captain, casual, catholic, chance, chancy, chaotic, chicken colonel, chief, chief of staff, civic, civil, CO, collective, collectivistic, colonel, combined, commandant, commander, commander in chief, commanding, commanding officer, commissioned officer, common, commonplace, communal, communistic, community, commutual, company officer, composite, comprehensive, confused, conjoint, controlling, cooperative, cosmopolitan, customary, disordered, diversified, dominant, encyclopedic, everyday, exec, executive officer, extended, extensive, familiar, featureless, field marshal, field officer, first lieutenant, five-star general, foggy, four-star general, fuzzy, general officer, generalissimo, generalized, generic, global, governing, habitual, hazy, head, hegemonic, hegemonistic, heterogeneous, high-camp, hit-or-miss, homely, homespun, humdrum, hybrid, ill-defined, imprecise, imprudent, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in common, in the ascendant, inaccurate, inchoate, inclusive, incoherent, indecisive, indefinable, indefinite, indeterminable, indeterminate, indiscreet, indiscriminate, indiscriminative, indistinct, inexact, insensitive, international, jemadar, joint, junior officer, kitschy, lax, leading, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant general, loose, low-camp, major, major general, marechal, marshal, master, miscellaneous, mixed, mongrel, mutual, national, natural, naturalistic, naturistic, nebulous, neutral, nonjudgmental, nonspecific, normal, obscure, OD, officer, one-star general, orderless, orderly, orderly officer, ordinary, overall, panoramic, paramount, Philistine, plebeian, pop, popular, predominant, predominate, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prepotent, prevailing, prevalent, promiscuous, public, random, realistic, reciprocal, regnant, regular, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, risaldar, routine, ruling, run-of-the-mill, senior officer, shadowed forth, shadowy, shapeless, shared, shavetail, sirdar, social, socialistic, societal, sovereign, staff officer, state, stochastic, subahdar, subaltern, sublieutenant, supranational, supreme, sweeping, tactless, the brass, the Old Man, three-star general, top brass, two-star general, typical, uncharacterized, unclear, uncritical, uncriticizing, undefined, undemanding, undestined, undetermined, undifferentiated, undifferentiating, undiscreet, undiscriminating, undiscriminative, uneventful, unexacting, unexceptional, unfastidious, universal, unmeticulous, unparticular, unplain, unrestricted, unselective, unspecific, unspecified, unsubtle, untactful, usual, vague, veiled, vernacular, vulgar, wholesale, wide, widespread, worldwide