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Meaning of HELD

Pronunciation:  held

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  occupied or in the control of; often used in combination; "enemy-held territory"
Webster's 1913 Dictionary
imp. & p. p. of {Hold}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aground, anchored, arrested, based on, besotted, bolstered, borne, braced, buttressed, by one, caught, chained, charmed, conserved, enchanted, enthralled, extra, fascinated, fast, fastened, fixated, fixed, founded on, free and clear, fresh, gripped, grounded, grounded on, guyed, held back, held in reserve, held out, high and dry, hung-up, hypnotized, impacted, in abeyance, in fee, in fee simple, in hand, in seisin, in stock, in store, inextricable, infatuated, jammed, kept, maintained, mesmerized, mint, monomaniac, monomaniacal, moored, new, obsessed, on hand, original, own, owned, packed, possessed, preoccupied, prepossessed, preserved, pristine, propped, put aside, put by, rapt, reserve, reserved, retained, saved, shored up, spare, spellbound, stayed, stored, stranded, stuck, stuck fast, supported, suspended, sustained, tethered, tied, to spare, transfixed, unapplied, unbeaten, unconsumed, unemployed, unexercised, unexpended, unhandled, unspent, untapped, untouched, untrodden, unused, unutilized, upheld, waived, wedged, withheld