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Meaning of REGULAR

Pronunciation:  'regyulur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a garment size for persons of average height and weight
  2. [n]  a regular patron; "an habitue of the racetrack"; "a bum who is a Central Park fixture"
  3. [n]  a dependable follower (especially in party politics); "he is one of the party regulars"
  4. [n]  a soldier in the regular army
  5. [adj]  in accord with regular practice or procedure; "took his regular morning walk"; "her regular bedtime"
  6. [adj]  not constipated
  7. [adj]  relating to a person who does something regularly; "a regular customer"; "a steady drinker"
  8. [adj]  officially full-time; "regular students"
  9. [adj]  not deviating from what is normal; "her regular bedtime"
  10. [adj]  in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle; "his regular calls on his customers"; "regular meals"; "regular duties"
  11. [adj]  (of solids) having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula
  12. [adj]  (used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces; "the regular army"
  13. [adj]  conforming to a standard or pattern; "following the regular procedure of the legislature"; "a regular electrical outlet"
  14. [adj]  occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing"
  15. [adj]  regularly scheduled for fixed times; "at a regular meeting of the PTA"; "regular bus departures"
  16. [adj]  symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon"
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 Synonyms: daily, day-after-day, day-to-day, diarrheal, diarrheic, diarrhetic, diarrhoeal, diarrhoeic, diarrhoetic, even, every day, first-string, fixture, frequent, full-time, habitue, lawful, lax, loose, normal, official, orderly, prescribed, regularised, regularized, routine, rule-governed, scheduled, standard, standing, steady, stock, timed, unconstipated, uniform, usual, weak, well-ordered
 Antonyms: constipated, irregular
 See Also: follower, frequenter, patron, rhythmic, rhythmical, size, soldier, symmetric, symmetrical, systematic



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Reg"u*lar\ (-l?r), a. [L. regularis, fr. regula a rule,
    fr. regere to guide, to rule: cf. F. r['e]gulier. See
    1. Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule,
       law, principle, or type, or to established customary
       forms; normal; symmetrical; as, a regular verse in poetry;
       a regular piece of music; a regular verb; regular practice
       of law or medicine; a regular building.
    2. Governed by rule or rules; steady or uniform in course,
       practice, or occurence; not subject to unexplained or
       irrational variation; returning at stated intervals;
       steadily pursued; orderlly; methodical; as, the regular
       succession of day and night; regular habits.
    3. Constituted, selected, or conducted in conformity with
       established usages, rules, or discipline; duly authorized;
       permanently organized; as, a regular meeting; a regular
       physican; a regular nomination; regular troops.
    4. Belonging to a monastic order or community; as, regular
       clergy, in distinction dfrom the secular clergy.
    5. Thorough; complete; unmitigated; as, a regular humbug.
    6. (Bot. & Zo["o]l.) Having all the parts of the same kind
       alike in size and shape; as, a regular flower; a regular
       sea urchin.
    7. (Crystallog.) Same as {Isometric}.
    {Regular polygon} (Geom.), a plane polygon which is both
       equilateral and equiangular.
    {Regular polyhedron} (Geom.), a polyhedron whose faces are
       equal regular polygons. There are five regular
       polyhedrons, -- the tetrahedron, the hexahedron, or cube,
       the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron.
    {Regular sales} (Stock Exchange), sales of stock deliverable
       on the day after the transaction.
    {Regular troops}, troops of a standing or permanent army; --
       opposed to militia.
    Syn: Normal; orderly; methodical. See {Normal}.
  2. \Reg"u*lar\ (r[e^]g"[-u]*l[~e]r), n. [LL. regularis: cf.
    F. r['e]gulier. See {Regular}, a.]
    1. (R. C. Ch.) A member of any religious order or community
       who has taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and
       obedience, and who has been solemnly recognized by the
       church. --Bp. Fitzpatrick.
    2. (Mil.) A soldier belonging to a permanent or standing
       army; -- chiefly used in the plural.