Meaning of PIERCING
Pronunciation: | | 'peersing
Matching Terms: | | piercingly
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are getting your tongue or lip pieced, suggests that you have said some stinging and hurtful words and are regretting it.
Less symbolically, dreams of getting pierced, may just be your waking desire or anxiety on getting pierced. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | absorbing, acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acid, acidic, acidulent, acidulous, acrid, acrimonious, acupunctuation, acupuncture, acute, afflictive, agonizing, algid, apperceptive, appercipient, arctic, argute, arresting, asperous, astringent, astute, atrocious, bayonetting, below zero, biting, bitter, bitterly cold, blaring, bleak, booming, bore, boreal, boring, brisk, broach, brumal, caustic, chilling, cogent, cold, cold as charity, cold as death, cold as ice, cold as marble, corroding, corrosive, cramping, creaky, crisp, cruel, cutting, deafening, deep, deep-felt, deepgoing, discerning, distressing, double-edged, drastic, drill hole, driving, ear-piercing, ear-rending, earsplitting, ear-splitting, earthshaking, edged, effective, empiercement, enthralling, entrancing, escharotic, excessive, excruciating, exorbitant, exquisite, extravagant, extreme, farseeing, farsighted, fascinating, fierce, fixing, forceful, forcible, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, forte, fortissimo, freezing, freezing cold, frigid, frosty, full, furious, gelid, glacial, gnawing, goring, grave, great, griping, gripping, gutsy, hard, harrowing, harsh, heartfelt, hibernal, hiemal, high, high-pitched, homefelt, howling, hurtful, hurting, hyperborean, ice-cold, ice-encrusted, icelike, icy, immoderate, impalement, imperative, impressive, incisive, inclement, indelible, intemperate, intense, irritating, keen, keening, knifelike, knifing, lancing, longheaded, longsighted, loud, loudish, loud-sounding, mordacious, mordant, nervous, nipping, nippy, nose-tickling, numbing, outrageous, painful, paroxysmal, pealing, penetrating, penetration, perceptive, percipient, perforation, perspicacious, perspicuous, pervading, pinching, piping, piquant, plangent, poignant, powerful, pricking, probing, profound, provident, punching, punchy, puncture, puncturing, pungent, racking, raw, reedy, reeking, resounding, rigorous, ringing, roaring, rough, sagacious, scathing, scorching, screaky, screaming, screeching, screechy, searching, sensational, severe, sharp, shooting, shrieking, shrieky, shrill, Siberian, sinewed, sinewy, skewering, slashing, sleety, slushy, snappy, sonorous, sour, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, spellbinding, splitting, squeaking, squeaky, stabbing, stentoraphonic, stentorian, stentorious, stinging, stone-cold, strident, striking, stringent, strong, subzero, supercooled, tart, telling, terebration, the sword, thin, thundering, thunderous, tonitruant, tonitruous, tormenting, torturous, tough, transfixation, transfixion, transforation, treble, trenchant, trepanning, trephining, ululant, unconscionable, understanding, vehement, venomous, vigorous, violent, virulent, vital, vitriolic, wailing, whining, whistling, window-rattling, winterbound, winterlike, wintery, wintry, withering |