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Pronunciation:  im'presiv

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  producing a strong effect; "gave an impressive performance as Othello"; "a telling gesture"
  2. [adj]  making a strong or vivid impression; "an impressive ceremony"
 Synonyms: amazing, arresting, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, baronial, brilliant, dazzling, dramatic, effective, effectual, efficacious, expansive, formidable, fulgurant, fulgurous, gallant, glorious, grand, grandiose, heroic, important-looking, imposing, lofty, magnificent, majestic, mind-boggling, noble, palatial, proud, sensational, signal, spectacular, splendid, staggering, stately, striking, stunning, stupefying, telling, thundering
 Antonyms: unimpressive
 See Also: moving



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Im*press"ive\, a. [Cf. F. impressif.]
1. Making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to
   impress; adapted to excite attention and feeling, to touch
   the sensibilities, or affect the conscience; as, an
   impressive discourse; an impressive scene.
2. Capable of being impressed. [Obs.] --Drayton. -
   {Im*press"ive*ly}, adv. -- {Im*press"ive*ness}, n.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absolute, acid, affecting, agitating, alive to, arousing, arresting, assuring, august, authoritative, aware, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, Babylonian, barbaric, biting, breathtaking, charged, cliff-hanging, cognizant, conclusive, conscious, convictional, convincing, Corinthian, corrosive, cutting, decisive, deluxe, determinative, disquieting, distracting, disturbing, driving, effective, elaborate, electric, elegant, evocative, exciting, exhilarating, extravagant, fancy, fine, forceful, forcible, formidable, galvanic, glorious, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, gutsy, heady, heart-expanding, heart-stirring, heart-swelling, heart-thrilling, imperative, imposing, impressible, impressionable, incisive, inflammatory, intoxicating, jarring, jolting, lavish, luxurious, maddening, magnificent, majestic, mind-blowing, mordant, moving, nervous, noble, notable, overcoming, overmastering, overpowering, overwhelming, palatial, penetrating, perceptive, persuasive, perturbing, piercing, piquant, plush, poignant, portentous, posh, powerful, princely, proud, provocative, provoking, punchy, ravishing, receptive, redoubtable, ritzy, satisfactory, satisfying, sensational, sensible, sensile, sensitive to, sentient, sinewed, sinewy, slashing, soul-stirring, spirit-stirring, splendacious, splendid, splendiferous, stately, stimulating, stimulative, stirring, striking, strong, sumptuous, superb, superfancy, superfine, susceptible, susceptive, suspenseful, suspensive, swank, swanky, swell, tantalizing, telling, thrilling, thrilly, touching, trenchant, troubling, unsettling, upsetting, vigorous, vital