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Meaning of ECLIPSE

Pronunciation:  i'klips

Matching Terms:  eclipsis

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of an eclipse of the sun, forewarns of enjoying life in excess. Too much partying and too much drinking will lead to major health problems. You will experience temporary failure in business. Dreaming of an eclipse of the moon means that some hidden aspect of yourself is coming to the surface.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adumbrate, annular eclipse, apply to, bandage, becloud, bedarken, bedazzle, bedim, befog, begloom, benight, black, black out, blacken, blackout, blanket, blanketing, blind, blind the eyes, blindfold, block, block the light, blockage, blocking, blot out, blotting out, brown, camouflage, canopy, cast a shadow, cementwork, central eclipse, cloak, cloaking, clothe, cloud, cloud over, clouding, coating, conceal, concealment, cope, cover, cover up, coverage, covering, cowl, curtain, curtaining, darken, darken over, darkening, daze, dazzle, decline, dematerialization, departure, deprive of sight, dim, dim out, dimming, disappearance, disappearing, disguise, dispersion, dissemble, dissipation, dissolution, dissolving, distract attention from, downturn, eclipsing, elimination, encloud, encompass with shadow, ensconce, enshroud, envelop, envelopment, enwrapment, enwrapping, erasure, evanescence, evaporation, excecate, extinction, extinguish, fadeaway, fadeout, fading, fake out, film, glare, gloom, gloss over, going, gouge, hide, hiding, hood, hoodwink, incrustation, keep under cover, lay on, lay over, laying on, lunar eclipse, make blind, mantle, mantling, mask, masking, melting, muffle, murk, obduce, obduction, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscuration, obscure, obscuring, obumbrate, occult, occultate, occultation, outshine, overcast, overcloud, overlay, overlaying, overshadow, overspread, overspreading, pargeting, partial eclipse, passing, plasterwork, put down, put on, put to shame, recession, screen, screening, scum, shade, shading, shadow, sheathing, shield, shielding, show up, shroud, shrouding, slump, slur over, snow-blind, solar eclipse, somber, spread over, strike blind, stuccowork, superimpose, superimposition, superpose, superposition, surpass, top, total eclipse, upholstering, upholstery, vanishing, vanishing point, varnish, veil, veiling, whitewash, wipe, wrapping