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Meaning of DRESSING

Pronunciation:  'dresing

Matching Terms:  Dressiness, dressing case, dressing down, dressing gown, dressing room, dressing sack, dressing sacque, dressing station, dressing table

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are having trouble getting dressed means that some evil person will preoccupy your mind to the point where you are not able to enjoy your daily life and its pleasure. Dreaming that you are dressed in white, foretells that you will have longevity and good health throughout your life.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ablation, abrasion, abrasive, Ace bandage, adhesive tape, ammonia, apparel, application, array, ass-reaming, attire, attrition, band, bandage, bandaging, Band-Aid, bawling-out, bedizenment, binder, brace, buffing, burnishing, cast, castor-bean meal, cataplasm, chafe, chafing, chewing, clothes, clothing, commercial fertilizer, compost, compress, contour plowing, costume, cotton, court plaster, cravat, cultivating, cultivation, culture, cussing-out, detrition, drapery, dress, dressing-down, duds, dung, elastic bandage, enrichener, epithem, erasure, erosion, fallowing, farce, fashion, fatigues, feathers, fertilizer, fig, filing, forcemeat, four-tailed bandage, fretting, furrowing, galling, garb, garments, gauze, gear, going-over, grazing, grinding, guano, guise, habiliment, habit, harrowing, hoeing, investiture, investment, jacking-up, limation, linen, lint, listing, manure, muck, night soil, nitrate, nitrogen, organic fertilizer, phosphate, plaster, plaster cast, pledget, plowing, polishing, poultice, pruning, rags, raiment, raking-down, rasping, reaming, reaming-out, roasting, robes, roller, roller bandage, rubber bandage, rubbing away, sandblasting, sanding, scouring, scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching, scrub, scrubbing, scuff, setdown, shining, sling, smoothing, speaking-to, splint, sponge, sportswear, stuffing, stupe, style, superphosphate, talking-to, tampon, tape, tent, thinning, threads, tilling, togs, toilette, tourniquet, triangular bandage, trim, vestment, vesture, wear, wearing apparel, wearing away, weeding, what-for, working