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Meaning of DIRT

Pronunciation:  durt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people
  2. [n]  the state of being covered with unclean things
  3. [n]  the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock
  4. [n]  obscene terms for feces
  5. [adj]  (of roads) not leveled or drained; unsuitable for all year travel
  6. [adj]  made of packed earth or gravel; "a dirt road"
 Synonyms: crap, filth, gravel, graveled, grease, grime, grunge, malicious gossip, poop, scandal, shit, shite, soil, soil, stain, turd, ungraded, unimproved, unpaved
 See Also: alluvial soil, BM, bog soil, bole, boulder clay, caliche, clay, clunch, comment, dejection, desert soil, desertic soil, dirtiness, dust, earth, faecal matter, faeces, fecal matter, feces, fuller's earth, gilgai soil, gossip, ground, gumbo, gumbo soil, hardpan, humus, Indian red, indurated clay, laterite, loam, loess, marl, mold, mould, mud, ordure, podsol, podsol soil, podsolic soil, podzol, podzol soil, prairie soil, regosol, residual clay, residual soil, sand, scuttlebutt, sedimentary clay, silt, stool, subsoil, surface soil, till, topsoil, tundra soil, uncleanness, undersoil, wiesenboden



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Dirt\, n. [OE. drit; kin to Icel. drit excrement, dr[=i]ta
    to dung, OD. drijten to dung, AS. gedr[=i]tan.]
    1. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust,
       etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or
       unclean; earth; as, a wagonload of dirt.
             Whose waters cast up mire and dirt.   --Is. lvii.
    2. Meanness; sordidness.
             Honors . . . thrown away upon dirt and infamy.
    3. In placer mining, earth, gravel, etc., before washing.
    {Dirt bed} (Geom.), a layer of clayey earth forming a stratum
       in a geological formation. Dirt beds are common among the
       coal measures.
    {Dirt eating}.
       (a) The use of certain kinds of clay for food, existing
           among some tribes of Indians; geophagism. --Humboldt.
       (b) (Med.) Same as {Chthonophagia}.
    {Dirt pie}, clay or mud molded by children in imitation of
       pastry. --Otway (1684).
    {To eat dirt}, to submit in a meanly humble manner to
       insults; to eat humble pie.
  2. \Dirt\, v. t.
    To make foul of filthy; to dirty. --Swift.
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Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing freshly stirred dirt in your dream, symbolizes thriftiness and frugalness. Dirt is also representative of situations where you have been less than honorable and may have acted in a devious manner. Dreaming that someone throws dirt at you indicates that enemies will try to attack your character and harm your reputation. Dreaming that your clothes are soiled with dirt means of a contagious disease that you have been stricken with.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acres, alluvion, alluvium, arable land, bawdiness, bawdry, blue movie, character assassination, clay, clod, corruption, crust, dirtiness, dirty movie, dope, dross, dry land, dust, earth, erotic art, erotic literature, erotographomania, excrement, fescenninity, filth, filthiness, foulness, freehold, garbage, glebe, gossip, gossip column, grassland, grime, ground, iconolagny, indecency, inside information, juicy morsel, junk, land, landholdings, leavings, lewdness, lithosphere, loam, low-down, malicious gossip, marginal land, marl, mire, mold, muck, mud, nastiness, obscenity, offal, offensiveness, ooze, ordure, orts, pornographic art, pornographic literature, pornographomania, pornography, Rabelaisianism, real estate, real property, refuse, region, regolith, ribaldry, rubbish, rumor, salaciousness, salacity, scandal, scandalmongering, scrap, scurrility, scuttlebutt, sexploitation, sharp practice, skin flick, slander, slime, slop, sludge, smut, smuttiness, sod, soft-core pornography, soil, soot, stag film, subaerial deposit, subsoil, sweepings, talk, terra, terra firma, terrain, territory, the country, tidbit, topsoil, trash, vileness, waste, whispering campaign, woodland, X-rated movie