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Meaning of DECAY

Pronunciation:  di'key

Matching Terms:  Deca-, Decacerata, Decachord, Decad, Decadal, decade, decadence, decadency, Decadent, Decadist, Decadron, decaf, decaffeinated coffee, decagon, Decagonal, Decagram, Decagynia, Decagynian, Decahedral, decahedron, decal, Decalcification, Decalcify, Decalcomania, decalescence, Decaliter, decalitre, Decalog, Decalogist, Decalogue, Decameron, decameter, decametre, decamp, Decampment, Decanal, Decandria, Decandrian, Decane, decanedioic acid, Decangular, Decani, decanoic acid, Decant, Decantate, Decantation, Decanter, Decapeptyl, Decaphyllous, decapitate, decapitated, decapitation, decapod, decapod crustacean, Decapoda, Decapolis, Decapterus, Decapterus macarellus, Decapterus punctatus, Decarbonate, decarbonise, Decarbonization, Decarbonize, Decarbonizer, decarboxylase, decarboxylate, decarboxylation, decarburise, Decarburization, Decarburize, Decard, Decardinalize, Decastere, Decastich, Decastyle, Decasyllabic, decasyllable, decatenation, Decathlon, Decatoic, Decatur, decayable, decayed, Decayer

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing something decay in your dream means the degradation of a situation or circumstance. It may also represent the death of an old situation before the rebirth into a new stage.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ablate, ablation, atomization, atomize, atrophy, biodegradability, biodegradation, break down, break up, breakup, canker, caries, carrion, catalysis, catalyst, collapse, come apart, consume, contaminate, corrode, corrosion, corrupt, corruption, crack up, crumble, crumble into dust, crumbling, curdle, dandruff, debilitate, decadence, decline, decompose, decomposition, decrease, defile, degenerate, degeneration, degradability, degradation, deteriorate, deterioration, dialysis, dilapidate, dilapidation, diminish, disintegrate, disintegration, disjoin, disjunction, disorganization, disorganize, dissociation, dissolution, dissolve, downfall, dry rot, dwindle, ebb, enfeeble, erode, erosion, excrement, fading, failing, fall into decay, fall to pieces, ferment, fester, filth, fission, foul matter, foulness, furfur, gangrene, go bad, go off, go to pieces, go to pot, go to seed, hydrolysis, hydrolyst, incoherence, mess, mildew, mold, molder, mortification, mortify, mould, moulder, muck, mucus, necrose, necrosis, obscenity, ordure, oxidation, oxidization, perish, photolysis, pollute, pus, putrefaction, putrefy, putresce, putrescence, putrid matter, putridity, putridness, rancidity, rancidness, rankle, rankness, ravages of time, resolution, rot, rottenness, rotting, ruin, rust, sap, scurf, scuz, slime, slough, smut, snot, sordes, sour, sphacelate, sphacelation, sphacelus, split, splitting, spoil, spoilage, suppurate, taint, thermolysis, tooth decay, turn, undermine, wane, waste away, wasting, weaken, weakening, wear, wear and tear, wear away, wither, work, wreck