Meaning of CRAWLING
Pronunciation: | | kr'oling
Matching Terms: | | crawling horror, crawling with(p)
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are crawling indicates that you are approaching your goals with careful forethought and preparation. Alternatively, you may be lowering yourself and your standards. You may be doing less than your best.
Dreaming that you are crawling out of a wreck or ruins, represents your willpower.
Dreaming that someone is crawling towards you means your need for power, revenge, superiority, or control. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abject, accumbent, alive with, all fours, ambling, amphibian, anguine, atiptoe, atmospherics, backscratching, batrachian, beggarly, blaring, blasting, blind spot, bootlicking, bristling, bursting, cautious, circumspect, claudicant, close, colubriform, compact, couchant, couche, cowering, crammed, crawl, creep, creeping, creeping like snail, cringing, crocodilian, crouching, crowded, crowding, decumbent, deliberate, dense, draped, drift, easy, fade-out, fading, faltering, fawning, firm, flagging, flat, flattering, foot-dragging, footlicking, froggy, full, gentle, gradual, groveling, gumshoeing, halting, hangdog, hobbled, hobbling, honeycombed, idle, in profusion, indolent, ingratiating, interference, jammed, jam-packed, languid, languorous, lavish, lazy, leisurely, limping, lizardlike, lolling, lounging, lumbering, lying, mealymouthed, moderate, nightwalking, noise, obeisant, obsequious, on all fours, on bended knee, on tippytoe, on tiptoe, ophidian, overflowing, packed, padding, parasitic, permeated, poking, poky, populous, procumbent, prodigal, profuse, proliferating, prolific, prone, prostrate, prowling, pussyfooting, reception, reclining, recumbent, relaxed, reluctant, repent, reposing, reptant, reptatorial, reptile, reptilelike, reptilian, reptiliform, reptiloid, resupine, rife, saturated, sauntering, saurian, scrabble, scramble, serpentiform, serpentile, serpentine, serpentlike, serpentoid, serried, shot through, shuffling, sidling, slack, slinking, slithering, slothful, slow, slow as death, slow as molasses, slow as slow, slow-crawling, slow-foot, slow-going, slow-legged, slow-moving, slow-paced, slow-poky, slow-running, slow-sailing, slow-stepped, sluggish, snaillike, snail-paced, snakelike, snaking, snaky, sneaking, sniveling, solid, sponging, sprawled, sprawling, spread, staggering, static, stealing, strolling, studded, superabundant, supine, swarming, sycophantic, teeming, tentative, thick, thick as hail, thick with, thick-coming, thronged, thronging, timeserving, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, toadeating, toadish, toadying, toadyish, toddling, tortoiselike, tottering, truckling, trudging, turtlelike, unhurried, viperiform, viperish, viperlike, viperoid, viperous, vipery, waddling, worming |