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Meaning of BURSTING

Pronunciation:  b'ursting

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  (of munitions) going off; "bursting bombs"; "an exploding nuclear device"; "a spectacular display of detonating anti-tank mines"
 Synonyms: detonating, exploding, explosive



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abundant, agog, alive with, aquiver, aroused, atingle, atwitter, banging, blasting, bloated, blooming, bountiful, brimful, brimming, bristling, bulging, bursting out, capacity, carried away, chock-full, choked, chuck-full, congested, copious, cracking, cram-full, crammed, crashing, crawling, creative, crowded, crowding, detonating, distended, drenched, ebullient, effervescent, eruptive, excited, exhilarated, explodable, exploding, explosible, explosive, exuberant, farci, fecund, fertile, filled, filled to overflowing, fired, flapping, flourishing, flush, fructiferous, fruitful, full, full to bursting, fulminating, generous, glutted, gorged, high, hopped up, hyperemic, impassioned, in profusion, in spate, inflamed, jammed, jam-packed, keyed up, knocking, lathered up, lavish, lush, luxuriant, manic, moved, overblown, overburdened, overcharged, overfed, overflowing, overfraught, overfreighted, overfull, overladen, overloaded, overstocked, overstuffed, oversupplied, overweighted, packed, packed like sardines, plenary, plenteous, plentiful, plethoric, popping, populous, pregnant, prodigal, productive, profuse, proliferating, proliferous, prolific, rapping, ready to burst, replete, rich, rife, round, roused, running over, satiated, saturated, seminal, slapping, slatting, soaked, SRO, standing room only, steamed up, stimulated, stirred, stirred up, studded, stuffed, stuffed up, superabundant, supercharged, supersaturated, surcharged, surfeited, swarming, swollen, tapping, teeming, thick, thick as hail, thick with, thick-coming, thrilled, thriving, thronged, thronging, tingling, tingly, topful, turned-on, uberous, volcanic, whipped up, worked up, wrought up, yeasty