Meaning of BLOOD
Pronunciation: | | blud
Matching Terms: | | blood agar, blood bank, blood berry, blood blister, blood brain barrier, blood brother, blood brotherhood, blood cell, blood clam, blood clot, blood clotting, blood clotting factor, blood coagulation, blood corpuscle, blood count, blood culture, Blood cultures, blood cup, blood cyst, blood disease, blood disorder, blood donor, blood dyscrasia, blood extravasation, blood feud, blood flower, blood fluke, Blood gases, Blood glucose, blood glucose meter, Blood glucose meter or monitor, blood glucose monitoring, blood group, blood heat, blood kinship, blood knot, blood lily, blood line, blood meal, blood money, blood plasma, blood platelet, blood poisoning, blood pressure, blood pressure cuff, blood profile, blood pudding, blood relation, blood relative, blood sausage, blood serum, blood smear, blood spavin, blood sugar, Blood sugar (blood glucose), blood test, blood testis barrier, Blood Transfusion, blood type, blood typing, Blood Urea Nitrogen, Blood Vessel, blood-and-guts, bloodbath, bloodberry, Bloodbird, Blood-boltered, blood-brain barrier, bloodcurdling, blooded, blood-filled, Bloodflower, bloodguilt, Bloodguilty, bloodhound, bloodied, bloodily, Bloodiness, bloodleaf, bloodless, Bloodless Revolution, bloodlessly, Bloodlet, Bloodletter, bloodletting, bloodline, bloodlust, bloodmobile, blood-red, blood-related, Bloodroot, Blood-sampling devices, bloodshed, Bloodshedder, Bloodshedding, Bloodshot, Blood-shotten, bloodsport, bloodstain, bloodstained, Bloodstick, bloodstock, Bloodstone, bloodstream, Bloodstroke, Bloodsucker, bloodsucking, bloodthirstiness, Bloodthirsty, blood-twig, Bloodulf, Bloodwite, Bloodwood, bloodwood tree, bloodworm, bloodwort, bloodwort family, bloody, Bloody flux, Bloody hand, Bloody Mary, bloody shame, Bloody sweat, bloody(a), Bloodybones, bloody-minded, bloom, bloom of youth, Bloomary, bloomer, Bloomeria, Bloomeria crocea, bloomers, Bloomery, Bloomfield, blooming, blooming-fool begonia, Bloomingly, Bloomingness, Bloomington, bloomless, Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Group, Bloomy, blooper, Blooth
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming of blood, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word "blood" written, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed.
Dreaming that you are bleeding or losing blood means that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding shortly before or during their periods and when they are pregnant.
Dreaming that something is written in blood, represents the energy you have put into a project. You have invested so much effort into something that you are not willing to give it up.
Dreaming that you are drinking blood indicates that you have a fresh burst of vitality and power. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | acute leukemia, affiliation, agnate, agnation, alliance, ancestry, anemia, angiohemophilia, anima, animal kingdom, animating force, antibody, antigen, aplastic anemia, apparentation, aristocracy, aristocraticalness, arterial blood, atman, bane, bathmism, beating heart, beau, Beau Brummel, beverage, biological clock, biorhythm, birth, blade, blood bank, blood cell, blood count, blood donor, blood donor center, blood group, blood grouping, blood picture, blood platelet, blood pressure, blood relation, blood relationship, blood relative, blood serum, blood substitute, bloodletting, bloodline, bloodmobile, bloodshed, bloodstream, blue blood, boulevardier, bracket, braining, branch, brand, breath, breath of life, breed, brood, brotherhood, brothership, buck, cast, caste, category, character, Christmas disease, chronic leukemia, circulation, clan, clansman, claret, class, clinical dextran, clotheshorse, cognate, cognation, collateral, collateral relative, color, common ancestry, common descent, connection, connections, consanguinean, consanguinity, cousinhood, cousinship, coxcomb, cyclic neutropenia, dandy, dealing death, deme, denomination, derivation, descent, description, designation, destruction, destruction of life, dextran, direct line, dispatch, distaff side, distant relation, distinction, divine breath, divine spark, division, drink, dude, elan vital, enate, enation, erythrocyte, erythrocytosis, essence of life, estate, euthanasia, execution, exquisite, extermination, extraction, family, fashion plate, fatherhood, feather, female line, filiation, fine gentleman, flesh, flesh and blood, flow of blood, fluid, fluid extract, fluid mechanics, folk, folks, fop, force of life, form, foul play, fraternity, fribble, gallant, genre, gens, genteelness, genus, german, globulin, gore, grade, grain, group, grouping, growth force, grume, Hand-Schuller-Christian disease, head, heading, heart, heartbeat, heartblood, hematics, hematologist, hematology, hematoscope, hematoscopy, hemocyte, hemoglobin, hemoglobinopathy, hemometer, hemophilia, hemophilia A, hemophilia B, homicide, honorable descent, house, humor, hydraulics, hydrogeology, hypochromic anemia, ichor, ilk, immolation, impulse of life, infectious granuloma, inspiriting force, iron deficiency anemia, isoantibody, jack-a-dandy, jackanapes, jiva, jivatma, juice, kidney, kill, killing, kin, kind, kindred, kinfolk, kinnery, kinsfolk, kinship, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman, kith and kin, label, lady-killer, lapidation, latex, Letterer-Siwe syndrome, leukemia, leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, leukocyte, level, life breath, life cycle, life essence, life force, life principle, life process, lifeblood, line, line of descent, lineage, liquid, liquid extract, liquor, living force, lot, lounge lizard, macaroni, macrocytic anemia, make, male line, man-about-town, manner, manslaughter, mark, martyrdom, martyrization, masher, maternity, matriclan, matrilineage, matriliny, matrisib, matrocliny, mercy killing, milk, mold, motherhood, multiple myeloma, myelogenous leukemia, nation, nature, near relation, neutropenia, neutrophil, next of kin, nobility, noble birth, nobleness, number, opsonin, order, origin, paternity, patriclan, patrilineage, patriliny, patrisib, patrocliny, pedigree, people, pernicious anemia, persuasion, phagocyte, phratry, phyle, phylum, pigeonhole, plant kingdom, plasma, plasma cell leukemia, plasma substitute, plasmacytoma, pneuma, poisoning, polycythemia, position, posterity, prana, predicament, propinquity, pseudoleukemia, puppy, purpura, purpura hemorrhagica, quality, race, rank, rating, red corpuscle, relation, relations, relationship, relatives, Rh factor, Rhesus factor, Rh-negative, Rh-positive, Rh-type, ritual killing, ritual murder, royalty, rubric, sacrifice, sap, seat of life, section, seed, semiliquid, sept, serum, set, shape, shooting, sib, sibling, sibship, sickle-cell anemia, side, sisterhood, sistership, slaughter, slaying, sort, soul, spark, spark of life, spear kin, spear side, species, spindle kin, spindle side, spirit, sport, stamp, station, status, stem, stirps, stock, stoning, strain, stratum, stripe, style, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, succession, swell, sword side, taking of life, thalassemia, the like of, the likes of, ties of blood, title, totem, tribe, tribesman, type, type O, uterine kin, variety, vascular hemophilia, venous blood, vis vitae, vis vitalis, vital energy, vital flame, vital fluid, vital force, vital principle, vital spark, vital spirit, water, whey, white corpuscle |