Meaning of BAT
Pronunciation: | | bat
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming of bats symbolizes uncleanness, demons, and annoyances. Alternatively, bats also represents your need to let go of old habits for your current way of life no longer suits your new growth and outlook.
Dreaming of a white bat means death of a family member. Dreaming of a black bat means personal disaster.
Dreaming of a vampire bat represents that a person in your life may be draining your of self-confidence and/or your resources. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | aardvark, aardwolf, agate, alpaca, Angora goat, anteater, antelope, antelope chipmunk, aoudad, apar, Arctic fox, armadillo, ass, aurochs, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, badger, bag, ball, bandicoot, bang, baseball bat, bash, bassarisk, baton, battledore, bauble, bear, beating, beaver, beldam, Belgian hare, belt, bender, bettong, biddy, biff, billy club, binge, binturong, bison, black bear, black buck, black cat, black fox, black sheep, blind man, blink, blocks, blow, bludgeon, blue fox, bobcat, bonk, booze, bop, bout, brown bear, brush deer, brush wolf, buffalo, buffalo wolf, bum, burro, burro deer, bust, cachalot, Caffre cat, camel, camelopard, capybara, carabao, caribou, carousal, carouse, carpincho, cat, catamount, cat-a-mountain, cattalo, cavy, celebration, celerity, chamois, checkerboard, cheetah, chessboard, chevrotain, chinchilla, chipmunk, chop, cinnamon bear, clap, clip, clobber, clout, club, clump, cockhorse, coldcock, compotation, coon, coon cat, cotton mouse, cotton rat, cougar, cow, coyote, coypu, crack, cricket bat, crone, cue, cut, dash, deal, deal a blow, debauch, deck, deer, deer tiger, dig, dingo, dint, dog, doll, doll carriage, donkey, dormouse, drab, drift, drinking bout, dromedary, drub, drubbing, drumming, drunk, drunken carousal, echidna, eland, elephant, elk, ermine, escapade, eyra, fallow deer, ferret, fetch, fetch a blow, field mouse, fisher, fitch, fling, flying phalanger, foumart, fox, fox squirrel, fusillade, gad, gait, gallivant, gazelle, gemsbok, genet, gewgaw, gimcrack, giraffe, glutton, gnu, gnu goat, goat, goat antelope, golf club, gopher, grizzly bear, ground squirrel, groundhog, guanaco, guinea pig, guzzle, hamster, hare, harnessed antelope, hartebeest, hedgehog, hippopotamus, hit, hit a clip, hobbyhorse, hog, horse, hyena, hyrax, ibex, Indian buffalo, jab, jackal, jackass, jack-in-the-box, jackrabbit, jacks, jackstones, jackstraws, jag, jaguar, jaguarundi, jerboa, jerboa kangaroo, kaama, kangaroo, kangaroo mouse, kangaroo rat, karakul, kickshaw, kinkajou, kit fox, knickknack, knobkerrie, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock out, koala, Kodiak bear, lapin, lark, lemming, leopard, leopard cat, lick, lion, llama, lynx, mace, mammoth, mara, marble, marionette, marmot, marten, mastodon, meander, meerkat, mig, mink, mole, mongoose, mooch, moose, mouflon, mountain goat, mountain lion, mountain sheep, mouse, mule, mule deer, muntjac, musk deer, musk hog, musk-ox, muskrat, musquash, nictitate, nilgai, nutria, ocelot, okapi, onager, oont, opossum, orgy, otter, ounce, ox, pace, pack rat, painter, panda, pangolin, panther, paper doll, paste, peccary, pelt, peludo, phalanger, pick-up sticks, pig, pine mouse, pinwheel, platypus, plaything, ploy, plunk, pocket gopher, pocket mouse, pocket rat, poke, polar bear, polar fox, polecat, porcupine, possum, potation, pouched rat, pound, poyou, prairie dog, prairie wolf, pronghorn, pub-crawl, puma, punch, puppet, quickness, rabbit, raccoon, racket, rag doll, ramble, randan, randy, rap, rapidity, rat, red deer, red squirrel, reindeer, revel, rhinoceros, roam, rocking horse, roe, roe deer, roebuck, rove, sable, serval, sheep, shillelagh, shrew, shrew mole, sika, silver fox, skunk, slam, slog, sloth, slug, smack, smash, smite, snap, snowshoe rabbit, soak, sock, sport, spree, springbok, squirrel, steelie, stoat, strike, strike at, stroke, suslik, swamp rabbit, swat, swiftness, swine, swing, swipe, symposium, takin, tamandua, tamarin, tapir, tarpan, tatou, tatou peba, tatouay, tattoo, taw, tear, teetotum, the blind, the sightless, the unseeing, thump, thwack, tiger, tiger cat, timber wolf, toot, top, toy, toy soldier, traipse, tree shrew, trinket, trot, truncheon, twinkle, urus, velocity, Virginia deer, vole, wallaby, wallop, war club, warthog, wassail, water buffalo, waterbuck, weasel, whack, wham, wharf rat, whim-wham, whistler, white fox, whop, wild ass, wild boar, wild goat, wild ox, wildcat, wildebeest, wingding, witch, wolf, wolverine, wombat, wood rat, woodchuck, woolly mammoth, yak, yerk, zebra, zebu, zoril |