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Meaning of WRESTLING

Pronunciation:  'resling

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the sport of hand-to-hand struggle between unarmed contestants who try to throw each other down
  2. [n]  the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat; "they had a fierce wrestle"; "we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully"
 Synonyms: grapple, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle, rassling, wrestle
 See Also: contact sport, flying mare, professional wrestling, struggle, wrestling hold



Products Dictionary

Describes the history, rules, and styles of wrestling.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Wres"tling\, n.
Act of one who wrestles; specif., the sport consisting of the
hand-to-hand combat between two unarmed contestants who seek
to throw each other.
Note: The various styles of wrestling differ in their
      definition of a fall and in the governing rules. In
{Greco-Roman wrestling}, tripping and taking hold of the legs
   are forbidden, and a fall is gained (that is, the bout is
   won), by the contestant who pins both his opponent's
   shoulders to the ground. In
{catch-as-catch-can wrestling}, all holds are permitted
   except such as may be barred by mutual consent, and a fall
   is defined as in Greco-Roman style.
{Lancashire style wrestling} is essentially the same as
   catch-as-catch-can. In
{Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling} the contestants stand
   chest to chest, grasping each other around the body. The
   one first losing his hold, or touching the ground with any
   part of his body except his feet, loses the bout. If both
   fall to the ground at the same time, it is a dogfall, and
   must be wrestled over. In the
{Cornwall and Devon wrestling}, the wrestlers complete in
   strong loose linen jackets, catching hold of the jacket,
   or anywhere above the waist. Two shoulders and one hip, or
   two hips and one shoulder, must touch the ground to
   constitute a fall, and if a man is thrown otherwise than
   on his back the contestants get upon their feet and the
   bout recommences.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are wrestling means that your are grappling with a problem in your personal or professional life. You are dealing with ideas and habits that need to be brought back into control.