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Meaning of TRIPPING

Pronunciation:  'triping

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  moving easily and quickly; nimble; "the dancer was light and graceful"; "a lightsome buoyant step"; "walked with a light tripping step"
  2. [adj]  characterized by a buoyant rhythm; "an easy lilting stride"; "the flute broke into a light lilting air"; "a swinging pace"; "a graceful swingy walk"; "a tripping singing measure"
 Synonyms: light, light-footed, lightsome, lilting, rhythmic, rhythmical, swinging, swingy



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In this collection of 50 personal accounts, a group of people, both famous and unknown, relate their experiences of experimenting with LSD and other psychedelic drugs, explaining how drugs have permanently altered their perceptions of reality. Well-known contributors include John Perry Barlow of the Grateful Dead, science fiction writer Robert Charles Wilson, and poet Anne Waldman.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Trip"ping\, a.
    1. Quick; nimble; stepping lightly and quickly.
    2. (Her.) Having the right forefoot lifted, the others
       remaining on the ground, as if he were trotting; trippant;
       -- said of an animal, as a hart, buck, and the like, used
       as a bearing.
  2. \Trip"ping\, n.
    1. Act of one who, or that which, trips.
    2. A light dance.
             Other trippings to be trod of lighter toes.
    3. (Naut.) The loosing of an anchor from the ground by means
       of its cable or buoy rope.
    {Tripping line} (Naut.), a small rope attached to the
       topgallant or royal yard, used to trip the yard, and in
       lowering it to the deck; also, a line used in letting go
       the anchor. --Luce.