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Meaning of TURQUOISE

Pronunciation:  'turkoyz

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a shade of blue tinged with green
  2. [n]  a blue to gray green mineral consisting of copper aluminum phosphate; blue turquoise is valued as a gemstone
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 Synonyms: aqua, aquamarine, cobalt blue, greenish blue, peacock blue
 See Also: blue, blueness, mineral, opaque gem



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Tur*quoise"\, Turquois \Tur*quois"\ (?; 277), n. [F.
    turquoise; cf. Pr. & Sp. turquesa, It. turchese, turchina,
    LL. turchesius, turchina; -- so called because first brought
    from Turkey. See 1st {Turkey}.] (Min.)
    A hydrous phosphate of alumina containing a little copper;
    calaite. It has a blue, or bluish green, color, and usually
    occurs in reniform masses with a botryoidal surface.
    [Formerly written also {turcois}, and {turkois}.]
    Note: Turquoise is susceptible of a high polish, and when of
          a bright blue color is much esteemed as a gem. The
          finest specimens come from Persia. It is also found in
          New Mexico and Arizona, and is regarded as identical
          with the chalchihuitl of the Mexicans.
  2. \Tur*quoise"\, a.
    Having a fine light blue color, like that of choice mineral
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing turquoise in your dream, symbolizes good luck and fortune. It is said that the turquoise gemstone wards off evil. Additionally, it possess healing energy and acts to unify forces between the spirits of the earth and the air. As a color, turquoise is symbolic of healing power and natural energy. It is often associated with the sun, fire, and male power.