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Meaning of MAYOR

Pronunciation:  'meyur

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the head of a city government
 Synonyms: city manager
 See Also: burgomaster, civil authority, ex-mayor, mayoress, politician



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\May"or\, n. [OE. maire, F. maire, fr. L. major greater,
higher, nobler, compar. of magnus great; cf. Sp. mayor. See
{Major}, and cf. {Merino}.]
The chief magistrate of a city or borough; the chief officer
of a municipal corporation. In some American cities there is
a city court of which the major is chief judge.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alderman, archon, bailie, burghermaster, burgomaster, cabinet member, cabinet minister, chancellor, city councilman, city father, city manager, commissar, commissioner, councillor, councilman, councilwoman, county commissioner, county supervisor, elder, headman, induna, legislator, lord mayor, magistrate, maire, minister, minister of state, portreeve, reeve, secretary, secretary of state, selectman, supervisor, syndic, undersecretary, warden